Aboubakr El Hacen Benabbas

Research associate


Research topics

  • Data management for sensor-based applications
  • Data stream management and event processing
  • Semantic sensor networks and sensor data quality


MOBI-ADM-M: Advanced Data Management
2,00 SWS
Aboubakr Benabbas


Short CV

Aboubakr Benabbas graduated from the TU Ilmenau in 2014 with a master's degree. Since 01.06.2014 he works as a research assistant at the Chair of Mobile Systems at the University of Bamberg.

He is currently doing his doctorate at Uni-Bamberg with the research topic "Data quality in sensor-based applications" and is project leader of Living-Lab Bamberg, a research environment for sensor applications.

Since 2015 he has also been a course advisor for the degree program "Master International Software Systems Science".