Setting up your work place for home office

Your computer workstation in home office

Using a laptop provided by the university

If you have a laptop provided by the university, you can work from home as usual. If you want to install additional software, you need access as an administrator for your laptop. Log in with .\Administrator. You can find the corresponding password in the ring binder you got alongside your laptop. Please take that ring binder with you to your home office!

Lending PCs (Laptops with a standard installation of Windows 10)

If you do not own a PC at home or have to use a laptop belonging to the university, you can apply to lend one from the computing centre. The request has to come from the head of your department together with the reasons for the application: via e-mail at hardwarebetreuung.its(at) or, in urgent cases, via phone under +49 951 863-1313.

VDI (virtual standard installation) - usable from your home computer

If you want to use your private PC at home with the familiar computer settings of your university PC, you can apply for a virtual work environment (Windows 10) at the computing centre. The head of your department can send an informal request via e-mail at it-support(at) Please explain in a few words, why the use of such an virtual work environment is necessary for you.

Using your own computer (possibly with the program package Office 365 ProPlus)

Of course you may also use your private PC in this unusual situation to work for the University of Bamberg. Please be careful that sensible data - if at all - is only stored temporarily on your private PC, and not indefinitely.

If you lack standard programs, like Word, Excel, etc. on your private PC, as an employee of the University of Bamberg you can use the program package Office ProPlus, which may only be installed on private PCs. Instruction (in german): Download und Installation des Programmpakets Office 365 ProPlus für PC/Mac(274.6 KB, 1 page)

Communication and files in your home office

Important: VPN is your connection to the university network

When you're working from home, you need a connection to the university network via VPN in nearly all cases. You will find information on how to establish your VPN here:
Instructions for setting up and using VPN(in German)

If you're using a PC that was given to you by the university with a standard installation (Windows 10), you can simply jump ahead to connecting your device, because the VPN is already installed. Otherwise you have to follow each step in the instruction.

Accessing files: Fileserver

If you work with the fileservers provided by the computing centre in your institution, you'll need VPN in your home office. If you use a PC with the standard installation of the university in your home office, your personal and project fileservers should be available in the windows explorer. They will be embedded automatically. On private PC you have to integrate them manually. Information on how to access your personal and project fileservers are available under: Netzlaufwerke (Fileserver).


Telephones: voice mail and call forwarding to an external number

To be available to your coworkers as well as your students, you should activate the voice mail on your phone in your office. That is also possible from the home office via the Telephone Web-Client: Weiterleitung aktivieren bzw. einrichten.

Please be advised: If you want to forward your calls to your private phone, the forwarding probably has to be requested at first via the IAM-Portal. In that case, you can ask callers on your voice mail to to write you an e-mail.

You can find all information regarding call forwarding and voice mail on the page Anrufbeantworter. Additional information on the telephone can be found on the page Telefonie.

Accessing e-mails in home office


You can access your personal e-mail accounts and those for projects quite easily. Just open the page and log in with your user account.
Further instructions regarding e-mail accounts are available here: E-Mail

Team sessions via Skype for Business

With Skype for Business you can use voice- and video chat via the internet, as well as write text messages. That's why the program is useful for teamwork when all or many team members are in home office.

Voice- and video chat is possible for up to 50 persons, writing tex messages for up to 99 persons.

Information on installing and using Skype is available here: Skype for Business an der Universit?t Bamberg.

Text messsaging for project-/team communication (Rocket.Chat)

If you want to have a quick talk with team members, have a question or just quickly need to send a phone number, a link or other short message, Rocket.Chat might be a convenient tool.

You can find more information on Rocket.Chat, for example what you have to consider when creating institution specific channels, on the page Chat-Dienst Rocket.Chat.

Using university related software at your home office

Many IT-services offered by the university of Bamberg don't have to be installed but can be used with an internet browser:


Do you have further questions?

If you want to continue your courses using online tools, you can find information here: Werkzeuge für die Online-Lehre

Phone:  +49 951 863-1333
Email: it-support(at)

Please stay healthy!