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ISM-EidWI-B: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik

Lecturer: Prof. Beimborn is represented by Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, students will have an understanding of the nature, role and value contribution of information systems in an operational context. They will be able to identify different types of application systems and communicate the advantages and disadvantages of integration and automation. They will be able to model simple data structures and processes and communicate using such models. You will also be able to describe the basic tasks of information management and locate them in the overall organization.


The module provides an introduction to the topics and methods of business informatics and thus lays the foundations for further studies in business informatics and international information systems management.

Organizational matters:

  • 6 ECTS / 180 h
  • Admission requirements for taking the module: none
  • Recommended prior knowledge: none
  • Frequency: WS, SS
  • Teaching methods: Lecture and exercise - 4.00 SWS
  • Language: German
  • Written examination (written exam) / duration: 90 minutes


The lecture is based on the following introductory standard works of business informatics.

  • Laudon/Laudon/Schoder: Information Systems: An Introduction. Pearson Studium, 3rd edition, 2015, or Laudon/Laudon: Management Information Systems. Pearson Education, 15th Edition, 2017.
  • Leimeister: Introduction to Information Systems. Springer Gabler, 12th edition, 2015.
  • Ferstl/Sinz: Fundamentals of Information Systems. Oldenbourg, 7th edition, 2012.
  • Gallaugher: Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology. Flatworld Knowledge, 7th edition, 2018
  • Lemke/Brenner: Introduction to Information Systems (2 volumes). Springer, Gabler, 2014 & 2017.

Further literature, in particular compulsory reading, will be announced in class and made available digitally as far as possible.



Anmeldung Workshop "Diversity to go"