
Many of the activities pursued at the Institute of Archaeology, Heritage Conservation Studies and Art History at Bamberg University are aimed at fostering transfer and exchange with external agencies and organizations.

The IADK has close contacts with governmental and non-governmental research institutions dedicated to cultural heritage conservation, such as the  UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS and the conservation authorities of the individual German states.

The Institute has partners and clients in many different areas of interdisciplinary research, including archaeological excavation, museum exhibition and architectural conservation, as well as research and development into new methods and processes of documentation and materials analysis.  Among them are national and international scientific organizations such as the German Research Association (DFG), the Fraunhofer Society, the German National Museum in Nuremberg, the Romano-Germanic Central Museum in Mainz, the German Archaeological Institute, the German Conservation Foundation, the German National Environmental Foundation, the Max Planck Institutes for Art History in Rome (Bibliotheca Hertziana) and in Florence (Art Historical Institute), and the German Forum for Art History in Paris. Special emphasis is placed on regional cooperation, for example through partnerships with the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, the Bavarian State Conservation Authority, the Oberfranken Foundation and the Bamberg World Heritage Centre as well as other museums and cultural organizations.

The individual departments of the IADK work to promote development in theory, research and education through active participation in professional associations and their publishing programmes. In the field of archaeology, these include the Organization of German Archaeologists, the Organization of State Archaeologists of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Society for Mediaeval and Modern Archaeology. In the heritage conservation field, they include the Working Group on Theory and Education in Conservation, the Koldewey Society and the Organization of Restorers and in art history they include the Organization of German Art Historians.

The IADK's network of connections with other public institutions and centres of higher education helps to support the professional development of young scholars beyond the achievement of their academic degrees. The Institute's membership in the internationally-recognized Centre for Mediaeval Studies (ZEMAS) as well as its partnerships with Coburg University and Edinburgh University are important focus areas of its educational and research activity. The emphasis placed on practical, hands-on experience also results in new contacts with firms active in relevant market sectors, such as surveying and documentation, excavation techniques, materials analysis and building conservation.