
As a member you have the following benefits:

  • Access to the journal "Siedlungsforschung" as documentation of the annual meetings;
  • Right to participate free of charge in the annual meetings of the general association ARKUM (only the costs for excursions have to be paid)
  • Discounted participation in the events of the "Working Group for Applied Historical Geography"
  • Discounted access to the publications of the “Working Group for Applied Historical Geography”

The annual fee is 40 Euro. Members under 30 years of age pay areduced fee of only 20 Euro.

Since the association is recognized as a non-profit organization by the Bonn tax office, contributions and donations can have a tax-reducing effect.

Bank details at Sparkasse K?lnBonn

Account holder: ARKUM e.V.
IBAN: DE04 3705 0198 1900 5317 22

Membership application

Membership application(218.1 KB) (German only)

Please send the original membership application with three signatures (application, SEPA direct debit mandate, data protection consent form) by e-mail to kontakt(at) or by postal mail to:

Arbeitskreis für historische Kulturlandschaftsforschung in Mitteleuropa e.V.
c/o Dr. Patrick Reitinger
Reitersweg 22
D-96103 Hallstadt