News 10/01/2024 New members Two new members joined the HCI group. 07/30/2024 Master’s programme Interaction Research & Design 07/22/2024 Visit from Prof Dr César Collazos from the Departmento de Sistemas of the University of Popayán from Colombia 07/18/2024 OpenLab-Night 2024 SS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 06/27/2024 Open Research and Teaching Assistant Position 04/02/2024 New member Patrick Stadler joined the HCI group. 02/08/2024 New Master's Program Starting in April 2024: Interaction Research & Design Applications are still open until March 28, 2024 02/08/2024 OpenLab-Night 2023 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 02/01/2024 New members Two new members joined the HCI group. 10/24/2023 Survey on ESM and its Tools published in the ACM Journal on Human-Computer Interaction We compiled a survey of ESM and its tools addressing technological capabilities for developers, study design opportunities for study administrators,… 10/13/2023 Open Research and Teaching Assistant Position with an empirical background The Human-Interaction Group at the University of Bamberg invites applications for a position of a Full-time Graduate/Post-Doc Research and Teaching… 10/13/2023 Open Research and Teaching Assistant Position with a computer science background The Human-Interaction Group at the University of Bamberg invites applications for a position of a Full-time Graduate/Post-Doc Research and Teaching… 07/11/2023 OpenLab-Night 2023 SS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 06/01/2023 New member Gautam Kishore Shahi joined the HCI group. 04/11/2023 New member Dr. Malik Haris joined the HCI group. 02/09/2023 OpenLab-Night 2022 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 01/01/2023 New HCI member Andreas Weeth joined the HCI group. 11/10/2022 World Usability Day 2022 World Usability Day on 10 November 2022 07/28/2022 OpenLab-Night 2022 SS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 06/17/2022 New Secretary Susanne Hahn joined the HCI group. 01/28/2022 OpenLab-Night 2021 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 01/14/2022 Successfully completed doctorate of Christoph Oemig We would like to congratulate Doctor Christoph Oemig on successfully passing his doctoral examination. 07/09/2021 OpenLab-Night 2021 SS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 02/08/2021 OpenLab-Night 2020 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 07/10/2020 OpenLab-Night 2020 SS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 02/06/2020 OpenLab-Night 2020 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 11/14/2019 World Usability Day 2019 World Usability Day on 14 November 2019 10/29/2019 Girls and Technology Workshop 2019 The HCI Group once again participated in the “Girls and Technology” event with a workshop this year. 10/15/2019 New Member Anne-Marina B?hm joined the HCI group. 09/19/2019 Invited Talk at HUMAN'19 Workshop Prof. Tom Gross was invited to hold a keynote in Hof. 09/13/2019 Awarded at MuC 2019 At the Mensch und Computer 2019 conference in Hamburg, Germany the Cooperative Media Lab successfully contributed six posters and received an… 08/01/2019 Open Research and Teaching Assistant Position The Human-Interaction Group at the University of Bamberg invites applications for a position of a Full-time Graduate/Post-Doc Research and Teaching… 07/11/2019 OpenLab-Night 2019 SS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 07/11/2019 New Member Alexander Brand joined the HCI group. 03/04/2019 New Secretary Viktoria Hirschfeld joined the HCI group. 01/31/2019 OpenLab-Night 2019 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 12/04/2018 World Usability Day 2018 World Usability Day on 8 November 2018 08/01/2018 New member Anna-Lena Müller joined the HCI group. 07/02/2018 OpenLab-Night 2018 SS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 03/16/2018 Open Research and Teaching Assistant Position The Human-Interaction Group at the University of Bamberg invites applications for a position of a Full-time Graduate/Post-Doc Research and Teaching… 01/25/2018 OpenLab-Night 2018 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 11/03/2017 Girls and Technology 2017 The HCI Group once again participated in the “Girls and Technology” event with a workshop this year. 09/30/2017 Prof. Gross awarded Silver Core At the INTERACT 2017 Prof. Tom Gross was awarded with the IFIP Silver Core Award 09/29/2017 Invited Talk in Mumbai Prof. Tom Gross gave an invited talk at the INTERACT 2017 in Mumbai, India. 07/16/2017 OpenLab-Night 2017 The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 02/02/2017 OpenLab-Night 2017 WS The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 11/14/2016 Invited talk for the World Usability Day The HCI group invited Dr. Stefan Oppl as a speaker on the occasion of World Usability Day (WUD) on the10th November. 11/07/2016 Girls and Technology 2016 The HCI Group once again participated in the “Girls and Technology” event with a workshop this year. 07/26/2016 ERASMUS Exchange with the University of Madeira and M-ITI Research collaboration with the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) leads to a common exchange programme. 07/15/2016 OpenLab-Night Summer 2016 — Impressions Many guests visited the OpenLab-Night of the Cooperative Media Lab. 07/05/2016 OpenLab-Night 2016 The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 06/10/2016 Keynote at the Praxistag Mittelstand-Digital Invited keynote about Human-Centred Computing by Prof. Gross. 05/02/2016 New Member Pia Marquart joined our group. 02/29/2016 Open Research and Teaching Assistant Position The Human-Interaction Group at the University of Bamberg invites applications for a position of a Full-time Graduate/Post-Doc Research and Teaching… 02/08/2016 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night 2016—Impressions Many guests visited the OpenLab-Night of the Cooperative Media Lab. 01/29/2016 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Award for TUIOFX We are excited that our research on TUIOFX received an Honorable Mention Poster Award at the Mensch & Computer 2015 conference in Stuttgart, Germany. 01/27/2016 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night 2016 The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, transfer, and student projects and gives live demonstrations. 09/22/2015 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung INTERACT 2015 was a Huge Success The 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015, which was hosted and organised by the Human-Computer… 07/16/2015 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night 2015 The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, and transfer projects and gives live demonstrations. 07/03/2015 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Open Research and Teaching Assistant Position The Human-Interaction Group at the University of Bamberg invites applications for a position of a Full-time Graduate/Post-Doc Research and Teaching… 03/05/2015 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Prof. Gross receives IFIP Award Prof. Tom Gross receives IFIP Outstanding Service Award. 01/28/2015 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night 2015 The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, and transfer projects and gives live demonstrations. 07/17/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Opening Keynote Talk on Human-Centred Computing Tom Gross gives the Opening Keynote Talk at MHCI 07/02/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night 2014 The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, and transfer projects and gives live demonstrations. 06/13/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Visit by Bamberg’s Economic Development Department The Bamberg City Hall Journal reports on the visit oft he city’s Economic Development Department at the Cooperative Media Lab. 03/28/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Girls' Day 2014—Impressions Again, the HCI Group actively participated in the Girls' Day 2014. 02/17/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Paper, Demo and Poster at TEI 2014 The HCI Group is presenting a paper, demo and a poster at the TEI 2014 in Munich. 02/12/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Workshop at AVI 2014 Tom Gross together with Kori Inkpen from Microsoft Research organises a workshop taking place in conjunction with the AVI 2014. 02/12/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night 2014—Impressions Many guests visited the OpenLab-Night of the Cooperative Media Lab. 01/23/2014 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night 2014 The Cooperative Media Lab presents research, cooperation, and transfer projects and gives live demonstrations. 11/14/2013 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung World Usability Day 2013 in Bamberg Human-Computer Interaction Group 2013 again takes actively part in the World Usability Day. 09/06/2013 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung INTERACT 2015 in Bamberg Prof. Tom Gross announced the INTERACT 2015 in Bamberg at the INTERACT 2013 in Cape Town. 07/15/2013 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung OpenLab-Night Summer Term 2013 The Cooperative Media Lab presents student research projects and gives live demonstrations. 04/25/2013 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Girls Day 2013 The HCI Group actively participated in the Girls' Day 2013 04/03/2013 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Enrol for Summer Term 2013 Seminars Enrolment for the summer term 2013 seminars is now possible via Ms. Tischler. 02/28/2013 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Technology Alliance Oberfranken Kick-Off The HCI group presented itself at the kick-off meeting of the Technology Alliance Oberfranken. 01/25/2013 Webseiten eigene Einrichtung Inaugural Lecture Prof. Gross Inaugural Lecture on 7 Feb. 2013 on the topic of Human-Centered Computing.