
Previous publications and preliminary work:

Pagliarin, Sofia et al. (2021): Data policy models in European smart cities: Experiences, opportunities and challenges in data policies in Europe. Bamberg: Stadt Bamberg, Stabsstelle Smart City.

Benabbas, Aboubakr et al. (2019): Measure particulate matter by yourself: data-quality monitoring in a citizen science project. In: Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 8, S. 317–328.

Rütermann, Tim/Benabbas, Aboubakr/Nicklas, Daniela (2019): Know Thy Quality: Assessment of Device Detection by WiFi Signals. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops): Proceedings. IEEE.

Steuer, Simon et al. (2018): Feinstaub selbst messen: Datenqualit?t in einem Citizen-Science-Projekt. In: Sensoren und Messsysteme: Beitr?ge der 19. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung 26. - 27. Juni 2018 in Nürnberg. Berlin?; Offenbach: VDE Verlag GmbH. S. 532–535.

Benabbas, Aboubakr et al. (2017): Living Lab Bamberg: an infrastructure to explore smart city research challenges in the wild. In: Künstliche Intelligenz 31, S. 265–271.

Benabbas, Aboubakr/Steuer, Simon/Nicklas, Daniela (2017): Towards Quality Aware Sensor Data Stream Processing in a Smart CityLiving Lab. In: Proceedings of the 29th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken: Blankenburg/Harz, Deutschland, 30. Mai-02. Juni 2017. Trier. S. 36–41.

Steuer, Simon et al. (2016): Challenges and Design Goals for an Architecture of a Privacy-preserving Smart City Lab. In: Datenbank-Spektrum 16, S. 147–156.

Jansen, Slinger et al. (2014): 9 Million Bicycles? Extending Induction Loops with Bluetooth Sensing. In: IEEE MDM 2014: 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management 15-18 July, 2014, Brisbane, Australia. Washington D.C. (USA): IEEE. S. 113–116.

Publications dealing with Smart City topics:

Ackermann, Leonie et al. (2024): Enhancing Data Quality and Collaboration in Participatory Climate Data Crowdsensing. New York: IEEE. S. 655–660.

Beck, Fabian/Panzer, Lukas/Redepenning, Marc (2024): Local Climate Data Stories: Data-driven Storytelling to Communicate Effects and Mitigation of Climate Change in a Local Context. In: Proceedings: 2024 IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for Climate Action and Sustainability (Viz4Climate + Sustainability). IEEE. S. 1–9.

?der, Bernhard (2024): Bewegte 3D-Objekte im urbanen Raum als Herausforderung für Augmented-Reality-Systeme. Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t.

Ackermann, Leonie Valentina (2023): Design of a Smart Community Event Planning Platform. Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t.

G?tz, Sascha et al. (2023): Smart in the City: eine ethische Handreichung für die Digitalisierung der Stadt. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. (= Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg 47).

Ackermann, Leonie/Demko, Khrystyna (2022): Projektbericht: Befragung der Zivilgesellschaft zu Geodaten in Bamberg. Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t.

Held, Marco/Schütz, Astrid (2022): Gesundheitsf?rderung in der Smart City: Entwicklung einer mobilen Anwendung für Bamberg. In: Uni.vers Forschung, S. 28–31.

Pagliarin, Sofia et al. (2022): Data Policies in Europ?ischen Smart Cities: Erfahrungen, Chance und Herausforderungen. Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t.

Redepenning, Marc et al. (2022): Smart City Bamberg: Digitale M?glichkeiten für ein Miteinander. In: Insel-Rundschau, S. 7–9.

Volmer, Judith/Hebel, Vera (2022): Gesunde Arbeitsgestaltung per App: Moderne, digitale Tools für Unternehmen. In: Uni.vers Forschung, S. 32–35.

Pagliarin, Sofia et al. (2021): Data policy models in European smart cities: Experiences, opportunities and challenges in data policies in Europe. Bamberg: Stadt Bamberg, Stabsstelle Smart City.

Benabbas, Aboubakr et al. (2019): Measure particulate matter by yourself: data-quality monitoring in a citizen science project. In: Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 8, S. 317–328.

Rütermann, Tim/Benabbas, Aboubakr/Nicklas, Daniela (2019): Know Thy Quality: Assessment of Device Detection by WiFi Signals. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops): Proceedings. IEEE.

Steuer, Simon et al. (2018): Feinstaub selbst messen: Datenqualit?t in einem Citizen-Science-Projekt. In: Sensoren und Messsysteme: Beitr?ge der 19. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung 26. - 27. Juni 2018 in Nürnberg. Berlin?; Offenbach: VDE Verlag GmbH. S. 532–535.

Benabbas, Aboubakr et al. (2017): Living Lab Bamberg: an infrastructure to explore smart city research challenges in the wild. In: Künstliche Intelligenz 31, S. 265–271.

Benabbas, Aboubakr/Steuer, Simon/Nicklas, Daniela (2017): Towards Quality Aware Sensor Data Stream Processing in a Smart CityLiving Lab. In: Proceedings of the 29th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken: Blankenburg/Harz, Deutschland, 30. Mai-02. Juni 2017. Trier. S. 36–41.

Steuer, Simon et al. (2016): Challenges and Design Goals for an Architecture of a Privacy-preserving Smart City Lab. In: Datenbank-Spektrum 16, S. 147–156.

Jansen, Slinger et al. (2014): 9 Million Bicycles? Extending Induction Loops with Bluetooth Sensing. In: IEEE MDM 2014: 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management 15-18 July, 2014, Brisbane, Australia. Washington D.C. (USA): IEEE. S. 113–116.

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