Dr. Konstantin Hopf in a DOAG.tv interview

Contribution to the AI Navigator Conference 2023

Research transfer on AI value creation in companies

Dr. Konstantin Hopf speaks at companies and practice conferences

Recently, Dr. Konstantin Hopf has established a research topic in AI value creation in companies at the Chair of Information Systems and Energy Efficient Systems. Together with international colleagues, he has empirically demonstrated which mechanisms organizations can use to create value with machine learning applications. He also investigates strategic issues relating to data science in organizations. In addition to his scientific publications, which have appeared in Journal of Strategic Information Systems and in California Management Review and received several awards, Konstantin Hopf actively transfers knowledge to companies. Recent transfer activities include:


Telekom LEX Learning from Experts

QualityMinds Lunch & Learn

  • Presentation "Value Creation with Machine Learning"
  • April 10, 2014, with approx. 25 participants, online

DOAG AI Navigator Conference

SAP Inspiration Sessions

  • Keynote "Process Model for Machine Learning Value Creation in Organizations"
  • November 15, 2023, with approx. 250 international participants, online

    In the practical presentations, the research findings will be explained using practical examples. If you are interested in further presentations or workshops in the field of AI value creation, please contact Dr. Konstantin Hopf directly.