Research: Prof. Dr. Marco Sahm

Research Interests

  • Public Economics: Public Good Provision, Optimal Taxation, Political Economy
  • Industrial Organization: Platform Economics, Two-Sided Markets, Pricing and Regulation
  • Applied Microeconomics: Contest Theory, Mechanism Design, Digital Economy


  • Sahm, M. (2006): "Essays in Public Economic Theory", Inaugural Dissertation, LMU München (PDF)

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Deutscher, C., Sahm, M., Schneemann, S. and H. Sonnabend: "Strategic Investment Decisions in Multi-stage Contests with Heterogenous Players",Theory and Decision 93, 281-317 (September 2022)
  • Sahm, M.: "Optimal Accuracy of Unbiased Tullock Contests with Two Heterogeneous Players", Games13 (2), 24 (March 2022)
  • Laica, C., Lauber, A., and M. Sahm: "Sequential Round-Robin Tournaments with Multiple Prizes", Games and Economic Behavior 129, 421-448 (September 2021)
  • March, C. and M. Sahm: "Parochial altruism and the absence of the group size paradox in inter-group conflicts", Economics Bulletin41 (2), 361-373 (April 2021)
  • Planer-Friedrich, L., and M. Sahm: " Strategic CSR in Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 21, 33-42 (March 2021)
  • Sahm, M.: "Advance-Purchase Financing of Projects with Few Buyers", Review of Industrial Organization 57, 909-933 (December 2020)
  • Planer-Friedrich, L., and M. Sahm: "Strategic corporate social responsibility, imperfect competition, and market concentration", Journal of Economics 129(1), 79-101 (January 2020)
  • Sahm, M.: "Are Sequential Round-Robin Tournaments Discriminatory?", Journal of Public Economic Theory 21(1), 44-61 (February 2019)
  • Planer-Friedrich, L., and M. Sahm: "Why Firms Should Care for all Consumers", Economics Bulletin38 (3), 1603-1612 (September 2018)
  • March, C. and M. Sahm: "Contests as Selection Mechanisms: The Impact of Risk Aversion", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 150, 114-131 (June 2018)
  • Greiner, T. and Sahm M.: "How Effective are Advertising Bans? On the Demand for Quality in Two-Sided Media Markets",Information Economics and Policy 43, 48-60 (June 2018)
  • Sahm, M.: "Risk Aversion and Prudence in Contests", Economics Bulletin 37 (2), 1122-1132 (May 2017)
  • March, C. and M. Sahm: "Asymmetric Discouragement in Asymmetric Contests", Economics Letters 151, 23–27 (February 2017).
  • Sahm, M., and R. von Weizs?cker: "Reason, Intuition, and Time", Managerial and Decision Economics 37(3), 195–207 (April 2016)
  • Sahm, M., Belleflamme, P., Lambert, T., and A. Schwienbacher: "Corrigendum to 'Crowdfunding: Tapping the Right Crowd'", Journal of Business Venturing 29 (5), 610-611 (September 2014)
  • Bierbrauer, F., and M. Sahm: "Optimal Democratic Mechanisms for Taxation and Public Good Provision", Journal of Public Economics 94 (7-8), 453-466 (August 2010)
  • Eichhorn, C., and M. Sahm: "Ticket Underpricing and Public Support for Mega-Events", Région et Developpement 31, 37–46 (Spring 2010)
  • Eichhorn, C., and M. Sahm: "Why were FIFA World Cup Tickets so Cheap?", Journal of Economic Psychology 31 (2), 212-217 (April 2010)
  • Sahm, M.: "Imitating Accrual Taxation on a Realization Basis", Journal of Economic Surveys 23 (4), 734-61 (September 2009)
  • Sahm, M.: "Methods of Capital Gains Taxation and the Impact on Asset Prices and Welfare", National Tax Journal 61, 743-68 (December 2008)

Working Papers

  • March, C., and M. Sahm: "The Perks of Being in the Smaller Team: Incentives in Overlapping Contests", CESifo Working Paper No. 7994, (December 2019)
  • Bierbrauer, F., and M. Sahm: "Optimal Public Good Provision under Democratic Constraints", Mimeo, TU Munich 2013.
  • Sahm, M.: "The Contest Winner: Gifted or Venturesome",  CESifo Working Paper No. 3285 (December 2010)

Work in Progress

  • Party Politics: A Contest Perspective (with Dominik Bruckner)
  • Effort and Delegation in Contests with Computer Players (with Christoph March)
  • Round-Robin Tournaments with Four Players and Endogenous Sequences (with Fabian Dietz)
  • Round-Robin Tournaments in the Lab (with Arne Lauber and Christoph March)
  • A Vertically Differentiated Duopoly Model with Environmental Awards (with Lisa Heidelmeier)

Political and Didactical Contributions

  • Sahm, M., and R. von Weizs?cker (2012): "Vorw?rts- und Rückw?rtsinduktion bei strategischen Entscheidungen", in: WISU - Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung (11/2012).
  • Eichhorn, C., and M. Sahm (2005): "Warum sind die WM-Tickets so billig? Eine Anwendung der Theorie monopolistischer Preissetzung und zweiseitiger M?rkte", in WiSt (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium).
  • Sahm, M. (2005): "Internationaler Steuerwettbewerb und nationale Bereitstellung ?ffentlicher Güter", in: Globale Wirtschaft - nationale Verantwortung: Wege aus dem Druckkessel. Ein Almanach junger Wissenschaftler, Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung.
  • Eichhorn, C., and M. Sahm (2005): "Billige WM-Tickets dank Sponsoring", in: Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (04/2005).
  • Eichhorn, C., M. Sahm, and F. Westermann (2005): "Eine ?konomische Nachbetrachtung der Münchner Hochhausabstimmung", in: Ifo-Schnelldienst (01/2005).
  • Sahm, M. (2002): "Versicherungsaspekte einer gemeinsamen europ?ischen Geld- und Fiskalpolitik", in: Europa der Bürger? Ein Almanach junger Wissenschaftler, Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung.

Selected Media Coverage / Policy Feedback

  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 28th 2019, about JEBO (2018): Contests as Selection Mechanisms: The Impact of Risk Aversion
  • 球探足球比分Sprecher, Magazin für Kommunikation - Beitrag "Lassen Sie die Spiele Beginnen!" (11.06.2016)
  • Schweizer Radio DRS, Radio - Beitrag "EM Tickets" (28.02.2007)
  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung, May 4th 2006, Rubrik 28 about WiSt (07/2005) ["Weshalb WM-Tickets so billig sind"]
  • Deutscher Bundestag, May 29th 2006, "Literaturtipp" about Wirtschaftsdienst (04/2005) ["Fu?ball - Literaturauswahl anl?sslich der WM 2006"]
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 13th 2005, "Campus München" about Wirtschaftsdienst (04/2005) ["Die FIFA - kein Wohlfahrtsverband"]
  • Financial Times Deutschland, February 16th 2005, "Montagsidee" about Ifo-Schnelldienst (01/2005) ["Recht auf Alpenblick"]


Presentations at Conferences

  • 2021 Conference on Contests: Theory and Evidence (Berlin, online), Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (online)
  • 2019 CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics (Munich), Conference on Sport Economics and Sport Management (SESM) (Berlin), Public Economic Theory Meeting (PET) (Strasbourg), European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) (Barcelona), Bavarian Micro Day (Bayreuth)
  • 2018 CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics (Munich), Conference on Sport Economics and Sport Management (SESM) (Vienna), Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) (Vienna), Finanzwissenschaftlicher Ausschuss des Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Nürnberg), Bavarian Micro Day (TUM) (Munich), Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) (Athens)
  • 2017 CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics (Munich), Conference on Sport Economics and Sport Management (SESM) (Berlin), Conference on Contests: Theory and Evidence (CBESS University of East Anglia) (Norwich), Public Economic Theory Meeting (PET) (Paris), Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Vienna)
  • 2016 CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics (Munich), Austrian/Slovak Economic Association (NOeG-SEA) (Bratislava), European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) (Lisbon), Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Augsburg)
  • 2015 CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics (Munich), Public Economic Theory Meeting (PET) (Luxemburg), European Economic Association (EEA) (Mannheim), European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) (Munich), Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Münster)
  • 2014 Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) (Vienna), CESifo Area Conference on Public Sector Economics (Munich), International Institute for Public Finance (IIPF) (Lugano), Research Workshop on Limited attention and scarce cognitive resources: Recent advances in theory and economic applications, University of Bamberg (Bamberg)
  • 2013 Public Economic Theory Meeting (PET) (Lisbon), AuBeFühr, TUM (Munich), 8th Norwegian-German Seminar on Public Economics, CESifo (Munich)
  • 2012 European Economic Association (EEA) (Malaga), International Institute for Public Finance (IIPF) (Dresden), Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) (Vienna), CESifo Area Conference on Public Sector Economics (Munich), CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics (Munich), 2nd ICT Conference on Management and Economics of ICT (Munich)
  • 2011 European Economic Association (EEA) (Oslo), Tournaments, Contests and Relative Performance Evaluation (TC&RPE) (Raleigh, North Carolina)
  • 2010 Society for Social Choice and Welfare (SCW) (Moscow), Public Economic Theory Meeting (PET) (Istanbul)
  • 2009 Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Magdeburg), CESifo Area Conference on Public Sector Economics (Munich)
  • 2008 Society for Social Choice and Welfare (SCW) (Montreal), The Economics and Psychology of Football (EPF) (Innsbruck)
  • 2007 Econometric Society European Meeting (ESEM) (Budapest), Public Choice Society (PC), 1. World Meeting (Amsterdam), Public Economic Theory Meeting (PET) (Nashville), European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) (Valencia), Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Munich), 10. UNC Tax Symposium (Chapel Hill, North Carolina), BGPE Conference: Incentives in Economics (Nuremberg)
  • 2006 Econometric Society European Meeting (ESEM) (Vienna), European Economic Association (EEA) (Vienna), Society for Social Choice and Welfare (SCW) (Istanbul), Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE) (Sevilla), Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Bayreuth), Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) (Vienna), Scottish Economic Society (SES) (Perth)
  • 2005 European Economic Association (EEA) (Amsterdam), Public Economic Theory Meeting (PET) (Marseille), Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE) (Geneva), Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) (Innsbruck)
  • 2004 Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Dresden)

Invited Talks

  • MPI for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn (October 2005)
  • Humboldt University, Berlin (January 2006 and January 2017)
  • RWI, Essen (March 2008)
  • Universit?t der Bundeswehr, Munich (October 2009 and March 2012)
  • DICE, Düsseldorf (May 2010)
  • Uppsala University and Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies, Uppsala (September 2010)
  • Erasmus University and Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam (February 2013)
  • University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth (November 2015 and November 2022)
  • Justus-Liebig University, Gie?en (December 2017)


  • Award of the German Economic Association (VfS) for presenting the paper "Informative Voting and the Samuelson Rule" (joint with F. Bierbauer) at the Econometric Society European Meeting (ESEM) 2006 in Vienna (Austria) (granted by Oesterreichische Nationalbank)
  • Award of the German Economic Association (VfS) for presenting the paper "Methods of Capital Gains Taxation and the impact on Asset Prices and Welfare" at the Annual Meeting of the European Economic Society (EEA) 2005 in Amsterdam (Netherlands) (granted by Schweizerische Nationalbank)