Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation
- Head of the Chair for Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation
- Vice-speaker/Member in the Centre for Heritage Conservation Studies and Technologies (KDWT)
- Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (UK FHEA)
- Marcel D?ring, Administration/secretary
- Dr.-Ing. Maria Chizhova, Research associate/ Assistant professor
- Dr. John Hindmarch, Research associate
- Verena Schnier, Research assistant
- Michael Groh, Technician
- Lea Puglisi, Research Assistant, KDWT
- Junquan Pan, Research Assistant, KDWT
- Dominik Geier, PhD Student
- Rana Tootoonchi, PhD Student
The chair "Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation" in the department "Denkmalwissenschaften" ("Heritage Conservation") at the "Institut für Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte" ("Institute for Archaeology, Heritage Conservation and Art History", IADK) at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg represents the digital technologies in heritage conservation in research and teaching.
The newly introduced subject is linked to the task of integrating and adapting digital technologies in heritage conservation and its further development, as well as to raise the profile of this research topic.
Mona Hess leads the team , and leads the Master's programme Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation, which has been running since the winter semester 2017/18 and is being conducted jointly with the Coburg University of Applied Sciences.