Juniorprofessur für Digital Work
The professorship focuses on the area of ??digital work and thus expands the topic profile of business informatics in Bamberg. It was filled by Prof. Gerit Wagner for the winter semester of 2022.
Digital technologies drive fundamental change processes and create new possibilities in the organization and design of work.
Our goal is to understand these change processes and derive recommendations from them in order to shape a future in which work is not only more productive and intelligent, but also focused on the well-being of employees.
Offer of the professorship
- Research with a focus on theories and methods in the area of ??digital, knowledge-intensive and platform-based work
- Offering courses to impart basic knowledge, methods and practical skills for digital work
- Support for students in the context of theses and seminar papers
On these pages you will soon find further information about the research focuses, the courses offered and the team.