Dr. Susanne Ebert, Dipl.-Psych.

E-Mail: susanne.ebert(at)uni-bamberg.de

Research Interests

  • Development of mental state understanding (e.g., theory of mind, metacognition, mental state language) and executive functioning and its interrelation with language development (e.g. in bilingual children)
  • Social impacts (e.g. social disparities, parent child interaction, language input) on children’s language and cognitive development, especially on children’s mental state understanding
  • Early predictors (especially language, mental state understanding) of later cognitive (e.g. reading) and socio-emotional development

Academic Background

2005 Diplom (Diploma) – Dipl. Psych., Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg

2005 - 2011 Research assistant in the research project BiKS-3-10 (educational processes, competence development and selection decision in preschool and school age) - subproject 3 (principal investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Weinert): relation between language acquisition, (meta)cognitive development and characteristics of adult-child interaction at the chair of Psychology I – Developmental Psychology at the University of Bamberg

2011 Promotion (PhD) – Dr. phil. (Psychology), University of Bamberg

2011 - 04/2019 Lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Psychology I - Developmental Psychology (Prof. Dr. S. Weinert) at the University of Bamberg

05/2019 - 04/2020 Postdoctoral research fellow at NTNU Trondheim, Norway

since 05/2020 Postdoctoral researcher at the Bayerisches Landesamt für Schule

    Adhoc Reviews

    • Child Development
    • Frühe Bildung
    • Learning and Individual Differences
    • 球探足球比分 in Erziehung und Unterricht
    • British Journal of Developmental Psychology
    • The European Journal of Developmental Psychology
    • Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften


    PhD Thesis

    Ebert, S. (2011). Was Kinder über die mentale Welt wissen - Die Entwicklung von deklarativem Metaged?chtnis aus der Sicht der "Theory of Mind" [What children know about the mental world - The development of declarative metamemory from the view of theory of mind]. Hamburg: Dr. Kova?.


    Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

    Rose, E., Ebert, S. & Weinert, S. (2021). Associations of preschoolers’ language skills with aggressive behaviour, positive peer relations, and the hostile intent attribution from preschool to early adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. Online first.DOI:10.1080/17405629.2021.1978971

    Ebert, S., Lehrl, S. & Weinert, S. (2020). Differential effects of the home language and literacy environment on child language and theory of mind and their relation to socioeconomic background. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 555654. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.555654

    Ebert, S. (2020). Early language competencies and advanced measures of mental state understanding are differently related to listening and reading comprehension in early adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 952. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00952

    Ebert, S. (2020). Theory of mind, language, and reading: Developmental relations from early childhood to early adolescence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 191, 104739. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104739

    Lehrl, S., Ebert, S., Blaurock, S., Ro?bach, H.-G. & Weinert, S. (2020). Long-term and domain-specific relations between the early years home learning environment and students’ academic outcomes in secondary school. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 31, 102-124. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09243453.2019.1618346


    Rose, E., Weinert, S., & Ebert S. (2018). The roles of receptive and productive language in children’s socioemotional development. Social Development, 27, 777–792.

    Rose, E., Lehrl, S., Ebert, S. & Weinert, S. (2018). Long-term relations between children’s language, the home literacy environment and socioemotional development from ages three to eight. Early Education and Development, 29, 342-356.

    Ebert, S., Peterson, C., Slaughter, V. & Weinert, S. (2017). Links among parent’s mental state language, family socioeconomic status, and preschoolers’ theory of mind development. Cognitive Development, 44, 32-48.

    Lockl, K., Ebert, S. & Weinert, S. (2017). Predicting school achievement from early theory of mind: Differential effects on achievement tests and teacher ratings. Learning and Individual Differences, 53, 93-102.

    Rose, E., Ebert, S. & Weinert, S. (2016). Zusammenspiel sprachlicher und sozial-emotionaler Entwicklung vom vierten bis zum achten Lebensjahr – eine l?ngsschnittliche Untersuchung [Interrelation between language and socio-emotional development from age three to seven: A longitudinal study] Frühe Bildung,5, 67-72.

    Ebert, S. (2015). Longitudinal relations between theory of mind and metacognition and the impact of language. Journal of Cognition and Development, 16, 559-586.

    Haberkorn, K., Lockl, K., Pohl, S., Ebert, S., & Weinert, S. (2014). Metacognitive knowledge in children at early elementary school. Metacognition & Learning, 9, 239-263.

    Ebert, S., Lockl, K., Weinert, S., Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., & Rossbach, G. (2013). Internal and external influences on vocabulary development in preschool children. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 24, 138-154.

    Anders, Y., Grosse, C., Rossbach, G., Ebert, S., & Weinert, S. (2013). Preschool and primary school influences on the development of children’s early numeracy skills between the ages of 3 and 7 years in Germany. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 24, 195-211.

    Kratzmann, J., Lehrl, S., & Ebert, S. (2013). Einstellungen zum Einbezug der Erstsprache im Kindergarten und deren Bedeutung für die Wortschatzentwicklung im Deutschen bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund [Attitudes towards first-language inclusion in preschools and their impact on the development of immigrant children’s German vocabulary]. Frühe Bildung, 2, 133-143.

    Weinert, S., & Ebert, S. (2013). Spracherwerb im Vorschulalter: Soziale Disparit?ten und Einflussvariablen auf den Grammatikerwerb [Language development in pre-school age: Social disparities and effects on the acquisition of grammar]. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 16, 303-332.

    l, S., Ebert, S., Rossbach, H.-G., & Weinert, S. (2012). Die Bedeutung der famili?ren Lernumwelt für Vorl?ufer schriftsprachlicher Kompetenzen im Vorschulalter [Effects of the home learning environment on children’s emerging literacy]. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 24, 115-133.

    Weinert, S., Ebert, S., Lockl, K., & Kuger, S. (2012). Disparit?ten im Wortschatzerwerb: Zum Einfluss des Arbeitsged?chtnisses und der Anregungsqualit?t in Kindergarten und Familie auf den Erwerb lexikalischen Wissens [Disparities in vocabulary development: The influence of working memory preschool quality, and home learning environment]. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 40, 4-25.

    Anders, Y., Rossbach, H.-G., Weinert, S., Ebert, S., Kuger, S., Schmidt, S., & von Maurice, J. (2012). Home and preschool learning environments and their relations to the development of early numeracy skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27, 231-244.

    Ebert, S., von Maurice, J., & Kluczniok, K. (2011). Kognitiv-sprachliche Kompe?ten?zen im Kindergartenalter: Sind vorzeitig eingeschulte Kinder wirklich kompe?tenter? [Verbal and cognitive competencies in preschool age: Are early enrolled children really more competent?]. 球探足球比分 in Erziehung und Unterricht, 1, 15-29.

    Kluczniok, K., Anders, Y., & Ebert, S. (2011). F?rdereinstellungen von Erzieherinnen – Einflüsse auf die Gestaltung von Lerngelegenheiten im Kindergarten und die kindliche Entwicklung früher numerischer Kompetenzen [Educational beliefs of preschool teachers. Influences on learning opportunities in preschools and the development of early numeracy skills]. Frühe Bildung, 0, 13-21.

    Weinert, S., Ebert, S., & Dubowy, M. (2010). Kompetenzen und soziale Disparit?ten im Vorschulalter [Competences and social disparities in preschool age]. Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung, 1, 32-45.

    Dubowy, M., Ebert, S., von Maurice, J., & Weinert, S. (2008). Sprachlich-kognitive Kom?petenzen beim Eintritt in den Kindergarten: Ein Vergleich von Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund [Verbal and cognitive competencies of young preschool-children: A comparison between children with and without background of migration]. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 球探足球比分, 40, 124-134.

    Papers in Journals of Practical Relevance

    Ebert, S., K?hne, J., & Weinert, S. (2014, May). Mit Worten Türen ?ffnen! [Words that open doors]. uni.vers, 42-45.

    Ebert, S. (2013). Sprachliche Anregung beim Betrachten von Bilderbüchern [Language stimulation during book reading]. KiTA aktuell spezial,1, 17-19.

    Weinert, S., Ebert, S., Lockl, K., & Müller, T. (2011). Heterogenit?t als Heraus?for?derung. Sprachliche Kompetenzunterschiede zwischen Kindern [Hetero?genity as a challenge. Differences in language competencies]. Die Grund?schul?zeit?schrift, 25, 10-13.

    Ebert, S., & Dubowy, M. (2010). Was wissen Kinder über das Denken? Die Entwicklung einer Theory of Mind [What do children know about thinking? The development of a theory of mind]. KiTa spezial, 1, 37-41.

    Dubowy, M., & Ebert, S. (2010). Entwicklung der Deutschkenntnisse von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund im Kindergartenalter - Eine Untersuchung zum Entwick?lungs??verlauf und famili?ren Einflussfaktoren [German language development in preschool children with migrational background - Developmental course and familial influences]. KiTa spezial, 1, 32-36.

    Ebert, S., Dubowy, M., & Weinert, S. (2009). Was Kinder über das Denken wissen und was dies mit Sprache zu tun hat – Sprachentwicklung im Zusammenhang mit Metakognition und Theory of Mind [What children know about thinking and its relation to language – Language development and relationships with metacognition and theory of mind]. SAL-Bulletin, 133, 5-22.

    Dubowy, M., Ebert, S., von Maurice, J., & Weinert, S. (2009). Erhebung sprachlicher Kompetenzen in BiKS: Ergebnisse zur Sprachentwicklung in Abh?ngigkeit von sozialen Hintergrundvariablen [Assessment of language competencies in BiKS: Results regarding language development and social background variables]. SAL-Bulletin, 132, 5-18.

    Book Chapters

    Weinert, S. & Ebert, S. (2017). Verlaufsmerkmale und Wirkfaktoren der frühen kognitiv-sprachlichen Entwicklung – Ergebnisse aus der BiKS-3-10 Studie [Characteristics and impacts in early cognitive and language development – Results of the BiKS-3-10 study]. In V. Mall, F. Voigt & N. H. Jung (Eds.). Entwicklungsst?rungen und chronische Erkrankungen: Diagnose, Behandlungsplanung und Familienbegleitung (S.13-33). Lübeck: Schmid-R?mhild Verlag.

    Kotzerke, M., Ebert, S., & Weinert, S. (2014). Wieso, weshalb, warum? Die Entwicklung des Grammatikverst?ndnisses von der ersten bis zur dritten Klasse [The development of sentence comprehension between first and third grade]. In M. Mudiappa & C. Artelt (Eds.), BiKS - Ergebnisse aus den L?ngsschnittstudien (pp. 73-86). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.

    Ebert, S., & Weinert, S. (2013). Predicting reading literacy in primary school: The contribution of various language indicators in preschool. In M. Pfost, C. Artelt, & S. Weinert (Eds.), The development of reading literacy from early childhood to adolescence (pp. 93-149). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.

    Lehrl, S., Ebert, S., & Rossbach, H.-G. (2013). Facets of preschoolers? home literacy environments: What contributes to reading literacy in primary school? In M. Pfost, C. Artelt, & S. Weinert (Eds.), The development of reading literacy from early childhood to adolescence (pp. 35-62). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.

    Kotzerke, M., R?hricht, V., Weinert, S., & Ebert, S. (2013). Sprachlich-kognitive Kompetenzunterschiede bei Schulanf?ngern und deren Auswirkungen bis Ende der Klassenstufe 2 [Differences in verbal and cognitive competencies in abecedarians and impacts until end of grade 2]. In G. Faust (Ed.), Einschulung. Ergebnisse aus der Studie ?Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenzentwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen im Vorschul- und Schulalter (BiKS)“ (pp. 111-135). Münster: Waxmann.

    Kurz, K., von Maurice, J., Dubowy, M., Ebert, S., & Weinert, S. (2008). Kompetenz?entwicklung und Bildungsentscheidungen im Vor- und Grundschulalter [Development of competencies and educational decisions in preschool and elementary school]. In K.-S. Rehberg (Ed.), Die Natur der Gesellschaft.Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (pp. 310-322). Campus Verlag: Frankfurt/New York.

    Unpublished Manuscripts

    Ebert, S. & Weinert, S. (2014). Entwicklung schulrelevanter Sprach?f?hig?keiten und Literacy im Kindergartenalter: Ergebnisse einer interdisziplin?ren L?ngsschnitt-studie [Development of school relevant language competencies and literacy in preschoolers – Results of an interdisciplinary longitiudinal study]. Paper presented at the 3rd Conference for Migration and Integration, Vienna, Austria.