Prof. Dr. Eric Sucky and Vanessa Felch are pleased with a successful presentation and constructive questions
HICSS 52: Vanessa Felch presented maturity model article
The Chair of Operations Management and Logitics attended the 52nd "Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences" (HICSS) in Maui (Hawaii, USA). As part of the "The Digital Supply Chain of the Future: Technologies, Applications and Business Models Minitrack", which was led by Prof Dr Alexander Pflaum (University of Bamberg) and Prof Dr Günter Prockl (Copenhagen Business School), Vanessa Felch presented the paper "Maturity Models in the Age of Industry 4.0 - Do the Available Models Correspond to the Needs of Business Practice?" together with Prof. Dr. Eric Sucky. Further information on the conference and the programme can be found here.