[Translate to English:] Lehrstuhl Produktion und Logistik

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[Translate to English:] Lehrstuhl Produktion und Logistik

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[Translate to English:] Lehrstuhl Produktion und Logistik

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AMCIS 2024 Prof. Dr. Eric Sucky and Christian Straubert visiting conference

Prof. Dr. Eric Sucky and Christian Straubert attended the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) in Salt Lake City, USA, in August 2024.

Christian Straubert presented the paper “Digital Nudging to Reduce Online Returns: Can a Simple Picture Save the Environment?”, co-authored with Caterina Rauh and Prof. Dr. Eric Sucky.

The growth of online retail brings with it a new environmental challenge: returns. Based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT), we investigate whether digital nudging is a useful tool to reduce the rate of returns. We investigate how nudging affects the satisfaction of the consumer needs autonomy (A), competence (C) and connectedness (R) and how consumers' environmental awareness influences the effect of nudging.

A survey-based online experiment with online shoppers in the US (n=988) is analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). We show, for example, that nudging has a strong direct effect on return motivation (RM), suggesting that it acts as an extrinsic motivator.

The paper is published here. Further information on our publications and the conference can be found here: