Assistance Katrin Eichfelder

Room:  FMA/1.07
Phone:  +49(0)951/863-2571
E-Mail: sekretariat.bwl-personal(at)
Office hours: by appointment


Contact person for basic chair questions.

Curriculum vitae

Since 2024Personal assistant and Research assistant, Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour
University of Bamberg
2010-2023Assistant to Country Head of Tax
Novartis Pharma GmbH, Nürnberg

Team assistent
Dr. Rolf Müller GmbH, Nürnberg

2004-2008Executive assistent
Deutsches Erwachsenen-Bildungswerk e.V., Bamberg
2004-2006Further training to become a certified office management specialist
Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie, Bamberg
2000-2003Apprenticeship as an office communications clerk
Deutsche Telekom AG, Bamberg
2000Secondary school leaving certificate,
Realschule Sche?litz