Bachelor’s and Master’s theses
in International Accounting and Auditing

Pre-conditions for the preparation of final theses:

  • Bachelor’s thesis: Successful completion of the module "Accounting in Accordance with the German Commercial Code" before registering the Bachelor’s thesis
  • Master’s thesis: None. However, attendance of the "Research seminar about International Accounting and Auditing" is strongly recommended.

Topic assignment for final theses:

The kick-off for the winter semester 2024/2025 for Bachelor students will take place on

Monday, 14.10.2024, 17.00-18.30 (s.t.), online via Microsoft Teams.

The kick-off for the winter semester 2024/2025 for Master's students will take place on

Monday, 14.10.2024, 18.30-20.00 (s.t.), online via Microsoft Teams.


You can find all further information in the corresponding VC course. Please register for the relevant course using your student e-mail address.

VC-course for Bachelor
VC-course for Master


On this date besides organisational questions and content information about writing an academic paper on the topic proposals for the current semester are presented. Students have the opportunity to list their preferences and they will receive responses about which topic has been assigned to them. If the number of interested students exceeds capacity, the level of progress in the student's study of his or her course specialisation will be taken into consideration when determining acceptance onto the course.
Students must respond to confirm whether or not they accept the assigned topic. In the event fo failure at this stage, it is possible, that students could be promoted from the waiting list. Following this, students are given four weeks to read up on the topic until they are officially enrolled on a fixed date. Time limits of two months and four months respectively are then allowed for preparation of the bachelor's theses and master's theses, following which the results will be presented during a disputation. The disputation for the bachelor's theses will take place at the end of the semester; whilst the disputation for the master's theses will take place at the beginning of the following semester. The exact time and place will be announced accordingly.

If you have further questions about bachelor's or master's theses in International Accounting and Auditing please contact us via e-mail at: abschlussarbeiten.bwl-irwp(at)

Possible topics for final theses include:

  • Current themes within national and international accounting
  • Corporate Governance
  • Empirical capital market research
  • Analysis of financial statements
  • Accounting for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Accounting policies
  • Company valuation
  • Auditing

Our general guide for the preparation of academic work can be found here.