Univ.-Professor Dr. Andreas Oehler

K?rntenstra?e 7, Room K?7/01.29

Tel:  +49 951 863 2536

eMail: info.bwl-finanz(at)uni-bamberg.de

In order to make an appointment please contact Prof. Dr. Andreas Oehler via e-mail.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Oehler holds the Chair of Finance at Bamberg University since 1994. He received his PhD at the University of Mannheim and his Habilitation degree at University of Hagen. He has published widely, in particular in the area of credit risk management, banking, behavioral and empirical finance as well as investor protection. Since 2012 he is director of the Research Center "Household Finance & Financial Literacy".


Research Focus and Areas of Expertise:
Finance, Banking, ESG (CSR, Sustainability) -Performance and -Rating, FinTechs, InsurTechs, Robo Advisor, Digitization, Financial Markets, Empirical & Experimental Research in Financial Markets, Risk Management, Behavioral Finance, Retirement Provisions / Funded Pension Plans, Pension Systems, Consumer & Investor Protection, Personal Finance, Household Finance.

Selected publications / Publication list(171.3 KB, 22 pages)

Quelle Foto: Privat