Wolfgang Goldbach


E-Mail: wolfgang.goldbach(at)uni-bamberg.de

Pillar 4: Governance, Institutional Change and Political Behaviour

Field: Political Science

Research Interests: Voting Behaviour and Political Attitudes, Political Parties and Party Systems, Multi-level Politics, Regionalism, Nationalism and Identity, British and Scottish Politics



The Interdependency of Vote Choice and Level of Vote

Empirical evidence suggests that voting behavior is – strictly speaking – dependent on the level of vote at decision: local, regional, national or European.
The question is why voters do differentiate and decide based on different aspects: Do we normally vote for the most sympathetic candidate the closer the decision is to our day-to-day life? Why is, on the other hand, “performance” more important nationally than e.g. in the European context? And: Do voters really still distinguish between “first” and “second order elections” when comparing the national and all other political arenas?
These are some of the questions I try to answer with my quantitative analysis, comparing some European countries on three (to four) levels of voting competition.



Diploma (Dipl.Pol.) in Political Science and Philosophy, University of Bamberg



Lucas Geese, Wolfgang Goldbach und Thomas Saalfeld (2015 – im Erscheinen): Mobility and Representation: Legislators of Non-European Origin in the British House of Commons, 2001-2015. In: Panter, Sarah (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch für europ?ische Geschichte – European History Yearbook 2015: Mobility and Biography. Band 16, 2015. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.



Professional Positions

10/2011 – 05/2012
research assistant to Jamie Hepburn and David Torrance MSPs (Member of Scottish Parliament), Scottish National Party (SNP)

09/2013 – 05/2014
personal assistant to visiting Prof. Dr. Harshan Kumarasingham (University of Cambridge)

09/2014 – ongoing
administrative coordinator ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques at the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS), University of Bamberg

10/2014 – ongoing
research assistant at the chair of Comparative Politics, University of Bamberg

03/2015 – ongoing
international coordinator of double-Master degrees in political science at the University of Bamberg


Winter term 2014/2015   
Das Regierungssystem Schottlands – Zwischen Unabh?ngigkeit und Union (The Scottish political regime – Independence or Union?), University of Bamberg

Summer term 2015    
Mehrebenenpolitik: Regional, national, europ?isch – Probleme von Mehrebenensystemen mit Polity, Governance und Wahlen in europ?ischen Staaten (Multi-level politics: regional, national, European: Problems of multi-level systems with polity, governance and elections in European democracies), University of Bamberg







? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences

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