Susanne Schmid
E-Mail: susanne.schmid(at)uni-bamberg.de / susanne.schmid(at)uni-oldenburg.de
Phone: +49 441 798-4567
Pillar 2: Educational and Socail Inequality Across the Entire Life Course
Field: Sociology
Research Interests: Social Inequality, Education in the Life Course, Early Childhood Education and Care, Compatibility of Work and Family, Maternal Employment, Social and Family Policies, Quantitative Methods
Visit Susanne's Website at the University of Oldenburg here.
Find Susanne's full CV here(215.0 KB).
Heterogeneities in Child Development; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C. Kleinert, Prof. Dr. G. Zoch, Prof. Dr. M. Gebel
10/2021 - ongoing
Doctoral Researcher, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences at the Otto-Friedrich-University, Bamberg
10/2018 - 03/2021
M.A. Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t (LMU), Munich
10/2015 - 09/2018
B.A. Sociology and Communication Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t (LMU), Munich
WS 2024/2025
Presentation: Beruf und Betreuung: Das Zusammenspiel mütterlicher Erwerbs- und kindlicher Betreuungsverl?ufe. Familie am Mittag. DJI (German Youth Institute). (Presenter: Susanne Schmid & Hannah Steinberg) [forthcoming]
Presentation: Maternal Work Trajectories and Childcare Histories - An In-Depth Exploration of the Interplay and its Consequences for Child Development. 9th International NEPS Conference, LIfBi, Bamberg. [forthcoming]
Presentation: Maternal Work Trajectories and Childcare Histories - An In-Depth Exploration of the Interplay and its Consequences for Child Development. DGSHerbsttagung Sektion Familiensoziologie. Universit?t Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany.
Presentation: Maternal Job Skills and Cognitive and Non-/Cognitive Child Development: Evidence From Germany. Herbsttagung Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse. University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. (Presenter Prof. Dr. G. Zoch)
SS 2024
Poster: Maternal Age and Non-/Cognitive Child Development: New Evidence from Germany. ECSR 2024 Conference “Addressing Inequalities in Incomplete Revolutions”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Bacelona, Spain.
Presentation: From Workplace to Home: Investigating How Maternal Job Demands Affect Child Development. ECSR 2024 Conference “Addressing Inequalities in Incomplete Revolutions”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Bacelona, Spain. (Presenter Prof. Dr. G. Zoch)
Presentation: Maternal Age and Non-/Cognitive Child Development: New Evidence from Germany. Colloquium of Educational Decisions and Processes, Migration, Educational Returns. LIfBi, Bamberg, Germany
Presentation: Maternal Age and Non-/Cognitive Child Development: New Evidence from Germany. Centre for DemoSoc Colloquium (Early Career Day). Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Bacelona, Spain.
Presentation: Maternal Age and Non-/Cognitive Child Development: New Evidence from Germany. Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) Semestre Colloquium. CED, Barcelona, Spain.
Presentation: From Workplace to Home: Investigating How Maternal Job Demands Affect Child Development. DGS Frühjahrstagung Sektion Familiensoziologie, LIfBi, Bamberg, Germany. (Presenter Dr. A.-C. B?chmann)
Presentation: From Workplace to Home: Investigating How Maternal Job Demands Affect Child Development. IAB Conference 2024 “Investigating social inequalities using survey and register data”. IAB, Nuremberg, Germany.
WS 2023/2024
Presentation: Investigating the Interplay Between Women's Careers, Maternal Age and Child Development. DGS Herbsttagung Sektion Familiensoziologie. University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
Presentation: Maternal Age and Child Development, Revisited: New Evidence from Germany. AROWI Kolloquium, University of Oldenburg.
Presentation: The Role of Firms for Children’s Development. 8th International NEPS Conference 2023 “Survey Data Linked to Administrative Data”, LIfBi, Bamberg, Germany. (Presenter: Malin Mahlbacher).
Presentation: Investigating the Interplay between Women’s Careers, Maternal Age and Child Development. SLLS Annual Conference 2023 “Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty”, LMU, Munich, Germany.
SS 2023
Presentation: Long-Term Effects of Early Childhood Education and Care on the Educational Attainment in Germany. Empirical Microeconomics Seminar, University of Bamberg & LIfBi, Germany.
Presentation: Career or children first? Investigating the Interplay between Women’s Careers and Child Development. RC28 Workshop 2023 “Families’ resilience and well-being of children and youth”, Paris, France. (Presenter: Prof. Dr. G. Zoch).
Presentation: Career or children first? Investigating the Interplay between Women’s Careers and Child Development. ZEW CIDER Spring Workshop, Mannheim, Germany. (Presenter: Dr. M. Huebener).
WS 2019/2020 - WS 2020/2021
Student Teacher: "Applied Data Analysis" at the Chair of Methods of Empirical Social Research (Prof. Dr. K. Auspurg, LMU), Munich
- Preparation of quantitative exercises in stata
- Support of undergraduate students during class
WS 2019/2020 - WS 2020/2021
Student Teacher: "Social Structure Analysis" at the Chair of Quantitative Research on Inequality and Families (Prof. Dr. J. Brüderl, LMU), Munich
- Responsibility for tutoring classes about poverty, mortality and educational inequality (lecture and exercises)
- Management of the online forum for questions and discussions
10/2021 - 09/2022
Starter Scholarship awarded by the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences