Sascha-Christopher Geschke
Office: Feldkirchenstr. 21, Room: FG1/00.20, 96052 Bamberg, Germany
E-Mail: sascha-christopher.geschke(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone: (+49) 0171 477 8 999 / +49(0)951/863-2445
Pillar 3: Changes in Human Capital, Labour Markets and Demographic Structures and their Relation to Social Inequalities in Modern Societies
Field: Sociology and Economics
Research Interests: Social Inequality & Stratification (esp. Poverty), Migration, Life Course, Labor Market, Digital Transformation // Methods of Empirical Social Research that allow causal interpretation
Personal website: www.researchgate.net/profile/Sascha-Christopher-Geschke
"Poverty Risks of Ethnic Minorities in Germany" (1990-2020) – An overview by ethnic origin and generation
This research project provides an overview of poverty risks for ethnic minorities in Germany between 1990 and 2020. Although the population with a migration history is very diverse, the available poverty literature for Germany studies migrants categorized in rather general terms. Yet, taking ethnic diversity into account is crucial because heterogeneous migration conditions, integration experiences, and social structures lead to different life circumstances that are likely to explain higher poverty risks between and within ethnic minorities of different generations. Furthermore, the current research on poverty risks of ethnic minorities for Germany is restricted to cross-sectional snapshots. However, poverty risks are likely to be embedded into a time-specific economic, political, and social context, that should be compared.
This article compares poverty risks of ethnic minorities from 21 countries with poverty risks of the autochthonous population. The country of analysis is Germany, and the unit of analysis are prime-age workers (age 25–54). I analyze the diversity of ethnic groups using Microcensus data to produce comprehensive descriptives of poverty risks over time, and Socio-Economic Panel data to explain individual and household dynamics.
Keywords: inequality, poverty risks, relative poverty, at-risk-of-poverty, poverty dynamics, migration, ethnic origin, ethnic minorities, first and second generation, resources, socio-economic background, household, family, labor market, structural change
2021 - present
PhD Candidate: Social Science and Economics, Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t, Bamberg
2018 - 2021
M.A. Social Sciences, Humboldt-University, Berlin
2014 - 2018
B.A. Social Sciences, Humboldt-University, Berlin
Staab, P. und Geschke, S. (2019): Ratings als arbeitspolitisches Konfliktfeld: Das Beispiel Zalando. Study der Hans-B?ckler-Stiftung, Nr. 429.
Hamjediers, M., Schmelzer, P. und Geschke, S. (2019): SOEP-Core v34 – The couple history files BIOCOUPLM + BIOCOUPLY, and marital history files BIOMARSM + BIOMARSY.
Staab, P. und Geschke, S. (2020): Digitale Besch?ftigtenratings in der terti?ren Arbeitswelt. WSI Mitteilungen, 73. JG., 3/2020
01/2023 – present
Doctoral scholarship by the ?Hans-B?ckler-Stiftung‘ for the promotion of outstanding talents
10/2021 – present
PhD Candidate at Bamberg Graduate School of Social Science (University of Bamberg)
01/2022 – 05/2022
Research assistant at the Socio-Economic Panelwith Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig // Dr. Jan Goebel (German Institute for Economic Research – DIW Berlin)
06/2018 – 10/2019
Head of research for the study: "Ratings als arbeitspolitisches Konfliktfeld: Das Beispiel Zalando" together with Prof. Dr. Philipp Staab on behalf of the Hans-B?ckler Foundation.
09/2016 – 04/2021
Assistant in data generation and analysis at the Socio-Economic Panelwith Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig // Dr. Jan Goebel (German Institute for Economic Research – DIW Berlin)
10/2015 – 04/2021
Tutor for statistical methods at the Department of Empirical Social Research of Prof. Dr. Johannes Giesecke (Humboldt-University Berlin // Department of Social Sciences)
10/2014 – 09/2021
Social Sciences (B.A. and M.A.) at the Humboldt-University Berlin (bachelor thesis: ?Die Relevanz von sozialen Kapitalien fu?r die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflu?chteten“ and master thesis: ??Poverty Dynamics over the Life Course? – A Comparison of Poverty Trajectories for Natives and Immigrants in Early and Middle Adulthood using Social Sequence Analysis“)
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences