Rachael Katwa Kyalo
Office: Feldkirchenstr. 21, Room: F21/00.81, 96052 Bamberg, Germany
E-Mail: rachael.kyalo(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone:+49 1573 3658946
Pillar 2: Education and Social Inequality Across the Entire Life Course
Field: Statistics
Research Interests: Small area estimation, Big data, Machine learning
Enhancing Precision in Small Area Estimation and Spatial Mapping of Disaggregated Poverty and Inequality Indices through Adaptive Thresholds: A case study in the Context of Kenya
In the landscape of developing countries, where a granular understanding of poverty dynamics holds paramount importance, the quest for precision in small area estimation (SAE) and spatial representation of poverty and inequality metrics assumes a pivotal role. This comprehensive study delves into refining precision in SAE and spatial mapping of poverty and inequality indices by incorporating adaptive thresholds, offering a nuanced exploration in the Kenyan context. The pressing need for disaggregated poverty statistics in developing nations underscores the significance of this research. Recognizing the disparities inherent in an urban-rural divide, the study acknowledges the importance of adaptive poverty thresholds, reflecting the diversity of conditions prevailing within these regions. This study compares methods like direct estimation, Empirical Best Prediction (EBP), EBP with Box-Cox transformation, and Mixed Effects Random Forest (MERF) through thorough simulations. The empirical proficiency is transposed onto real-world application, aligning the empirical framework with the specific circumstances of Kenya. Measures of uncertainty are explored for contrast across the range of estimators in the application context. Guided by the confidence of empirical precision, the research navigates its path to identifying optimal techniques for estimation of poverty statistics in Kenya and facilitates dynamic spatial visualization on the Kenyan map.
2022 - 2025
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics. Otto-Friedrich-University, Bamberg - Germany
2019 - 2020
Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences. African Institute for Mathematical Science, Accra-Ghana
July 2020
Certificate in Business Management. ESMT Berlin- Industry Immersion Program (IIP)
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science. Taita Taveta University, Kenya.
Wainana, S. M., Karomo, J. N., Kyalo, R., & Mutai, N. 2020. "Using data mining techniques and r software to analyze crime data in kenya." International Journal of Data Science and Analysis 6.1.
Traoré, P.C.S., Ndungu, S., Kyalo, R., Annerose, D., Whitbread, A., & Tabo, R. 2020. "Flipping the script on rainfall data." (ICRISAT).
Working paper:
Traore, P.C.S., Kyalo,R.K., Ndung’u, S., Akinrotimi, O.O., Whitbread, A.M., Tabo, R., 2020. ”One farm, one IoT rain gauge” concept: theoretical basis for dense, good-enough rain gauge networks. CCAFS Working Paper no. XXX. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
2021 - 2022
Contract: Monitoring and Evaluation, Statistics for Suitainable Development (Stats4SD).
2021 - 2022
Tutorial fellow, Taita Taveta University, Kenya.
2021 - 2022
Data Processing Officer (intern), DALBERG RESEARCH, Nairobi-Kenya.
2020 - 2020
Data Research Analyst, MANOBI AFRICA, Dakar-Senegal.
2020 - 2021
Research Analyst Intern, ICRISAT
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences