Julia Hufnagl


Office: K?rntenstra?e 7, Room: K?7/00.22, 96052 Bamberg

E-Mail: julia.hufnagl(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone: 49 (0) 951 863-2754

Pillar 2: Educational and Social Inequality Across the Entire Life Course

Field: Business Education

Research Interests: Global Learning and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Intersectional Disadvantages and Discriminatory Processes in Vocational Education and Training, International Comparison of Vocational Education and Training (Focus Europe and North America)

+visit Julia's website at the Professorship of Economics and Business Education


Global Learning in the Workplace: A Cross-Country Multi-Level Analysis

Local and global social inequalities, climate change, species extinction, plastic pollution, pandemics – the crises of our time make it clear that a transformation is needed in various areas, including education. Any form of education should equip young people with skills to deal with relevant tensions and responsibilities of individual stakeholders. Concepts such as Global Learning, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCE) address how to contribute to global sustainable development and fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a holistic global understanding. Global Learning is considered one of the key abilities of the 21st century (Scheunpflug, 2022, p. 10). While Global Learning has already been subject to research in the general education school context, in volunteer work settings, and in higher education (e.g., Anderberg et al., 2009; Hunt, 2020; Richter, 2018), there is a lack of information on Global Learning in Vocational Education and Training (VET). Nevertheless, organizations increasingly must provide learning opportunities at the workplace to be successful in today’s ‘war for talent’ (Baert, 2018, p. 154). This is the starting point of my dissertation, which will shed light on company’s Global Learning activities and employee’s informal Global Learning behavior.

As a result, strategies and profiles with regard to Global Learning in companies are identified from both a corporate and an individual perspective, and the environment in which companies and individuals operate is defined. The dissertation provides valuable insights into lifelong learning in times of increasing shortage of skilled workers and migration movements in a globalized world.





2022 – today
PhD Candidate at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER

  • Research stays at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) (April - October 2024)
  • Research stay at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada (August 2024)
  • Job shadowing at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) (October 2022)

2020 - 2022
Business Education (Minor: English) (M. Sc.) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Semester Abroad at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, AUT

2016 - 2020
Business and Human Resource Education (Minor: English) (B. A.) at the Georg-August University G?ttingen, GER, Additional qualification ?Interculturality and Multilingualism / German as a Second and Foreign Language“

2014 - 2015 
Business Management (Transfer Degree) at Skagit Valley College, Mt. Vernon, WA, USA (under the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for young professionals)



since 2017
Scholarship // e-fellows

First Prize for outstanding Master's theses // K?the und Ulrich Plei? Foundation

Congress travel bursary for participation in the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, Scotland // German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2017 - 2022
Academic Study Sponsorship (Studienkolleg des Studienf?rderwerks Klaus Murmann) // Foundation of German Business

2021 - 2022
Scholarship for Studying Abroad at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz // Dr. Jutta Feldmeier Foundation

DISCOVER – leadership training through arts Scholarship // "Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V." in cooperation with the Karl Schlecht Foundation

Certificate in International Affairs Certificate (Focus Area: Integration and Diversity) // Awarded by the Georg-August University G?ttingen

Lehramt.international Scholarship for an Internship abroad in Bristol (GB) // DAAD

2016 - 2017 
Academic Study Sponsorship // Awarded by Georg-August University G?ttingen and Santander Universities

2014 - 2015
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX) for young professionals // Awarded by German Bundestag and US-Congress




Hufnagl, J. & Annen, S. (2024). Nachhaltigkeitsstrategieumsetzung in der betrieblichen Bildung – Entwicklung eines Analyserahmens für die kaufm?nnische Aus- und Weiterbildungspraxis (Sustainability strategy implementation in in-company training - development of an analytical framework for commercial training and further education practice). In M. Ebner von Eschenbach, B. K?pplinger, M. Kondratjuk, K. Kraus, M. Rohs, B. Schmidt-Hertha, K. J. Rott & V. Thalhammer (Hrsg.), Erwachsenenbildung und Nachhaltigkeit (S.203–220). Verlag Barbara Budrich. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3224/84742765

Hufnagl, J. (2024). Intersectional Discrimination in the Transition to Vocational Education and Training. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 球探足球比分, 56(1-2), S.37–54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1026/0049-8637/a000289

Hufnagl, J. & Larsen, Y. (2024). Projektwerkst?tten des Wandels – Konzepte für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft (Project workshops of change - concepts for a sustainable economy). In B. Dernbach & M. Klages (Hrsg.), Interdisziplin?re Lehre fu?r nachhaltige Entwicklung. Beitr?ge zur ersten Fachkonferenz 2023 an der Technischen Hochschule Nu?rnberg Georg Simon Ohm (S.54–62). https://doi.org/10.34646/thn/ohmdok-1567

Hufnagl, J. & Annen, S. (2024). Nachhaltigkeit in der betrieblichen Ausbildung – Kompetenzanforderungen aus unternehmerischer Sichtweise (Sustainability in in-company training - competence requirements from an entrepreneurial perspective). bwp@Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik – online, 45, S.1–29. URL: https://www.bwpat.de/ausgabe45/hufnagl_annen_bwpat45.pdf

Hufnagl, J. (2024). National despite global? Perspectives of country comparisons on transformative education for sustainable development. In J. Scharfenberg, J. Hufnagl, A. Kroner, & M. Spiekenheuer (Hrsg.), Migration und Bildung in der globalisierten Welt—Migration and Education in a Globalised World. Perspektiven, Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Migrationsgesellschaft—Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Migration Society (S. 155–168). Waxmann Verlag GmbH. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31244/9783830998419_12

Hufnagl, J., Kralik, L. & Annen, S. (2024). Ungenutztes Fachkr?ftepotenzial – Strategien zur Bindung von Mitarbeiterinnen in der Tech-Branche (Unutilised skilled labour potential - strategies for retaining female employees in the tech industry). In K.-H. Gerholz, S. Annen, R. Braches-Chyrek, J. Hufnagl & A. Wagner (Hrsg.), bwp@ Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023 (S.1–25). URL: https://www.bwpat.de/ht2023/hufnagl_etal_ht2023.pdf

Annen, S. & Hufnagl, J. (2024). Potenziale des Skills Ecosystem Approach für den Fachkr?ftemangel in Deutschland (Potential of the skills ecosystem approach for the skills shortage in Germany). In K.-H. Gerholz, S. Annen, R. Braches-Chyrek, J. Hufnagl & A. Wagner (Hrsg.), bwp@ Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023 (S.1–25). URL: https://www.bwpat.de/ht2023/annen_hufnagl_ht2023.pdf





Hufnagl, J.: "Partizipation für nachhaltige Entwicklung? Freir?ume und M?glichkeiten für (B)BNE in der beruflichen Bildung (Participation for sustainable development? Scope and opportunities for (ESD) in vocational education and training)"; Tagung der Gesellschaft für sozio?konomische Bildung und Wissenschaft (GS?BW) (Nachhaltige Transformation der Wirtschaft - Herausforderung für sozio?konomische Forschung, Bildung und Lehre); K?ln (Deutschland); 26.09.2024.


Hufnagl, J.; Baum, M.; Mohr, S. & Annen, S.: "Nachhaltigkeit in der Berufsbildung: Ziele sowie Hemmnisse und ihre ?berwindung in der betrieblichen Praxis (Sustainability in vocational education and training: Goals as well as obstacles and how to overcome them in company practice)"; Tagung der Kommission Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) (Spannungsfelder von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und die zunehmende Ausdifferenzierung des Feldes); Bamberg (Deutschland); 19.09.2024.


Hufnagl, J.: "Nachhaltigkeitswissen in der betrieblichen Bildung – Spannungsfelder und L?sungsans?tze (Sustainability knowledge in in-company training - areas of tension and solutions)"; 20. Tagung der Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie (Umk?mpftes Nachhaltigkeitswissen); Würzburg (Deutschland); 6.07.2024.


Hufnagl, J. & Annen, S.: "Entwicklungsrichtlinien und Potenziale der betrieblichen Bildung im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation (Development guidelines and potentials of in-company training in the context of sustainability transformation)"; Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK) (Berufsbildung in Zeiten des Mangels - Handlungserfordernisse neu denken); Innsbruck (?sterreich); 4.07.2024.


Hufnagl, J.: "Betriebliche Bildung im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation (Company training in the context of sustainability transformation)"; Young Scholars Workshop zur Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung (Lost in Transformation? Arbeitsmarktpolitik für eine nachhaltige Arbeitsgesellschaft); Bamberg (Deutschland); 12.06.2024.


Hufnagl, J.: "Education for sustainable development in the corporate context"; Journée d'?tude; Amiens (Frankreich); 5.06.2024.


Hufnagl, J.: "Nachhaltigkeit in der Berufsbildung (Sustainability in vocational training)"; PROM3THEUS-Tagung (Die Bedeutung von Theorie für die Empirische Bildungsforschung); Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland); 04.03.2024.




Hufnagl, J.: "Sustainability meets VET – Transformation in Education"; Winter School 2023 der Sektion Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE); Frankfurt (Deutschland); 30.11.2023.


Hufnagl, J.: "National Despite Global: Perspectives of Country Comparisons on Transformative Education for Sustainable Development"; Forschungsnetzwerk der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg; Bamberg (Deutschland); 23.11.2023.


Hufnagl, J., Costa, J. & Annen, S.: "Overcoming the Limitations of Quantitative (Large-Scale-) Research: Discrimination in Transition to VET"; International Conference Mixed Methods Research in Education; Hannover (Deutschland); 16.11.2023.


Hufnagl, J. & Annen, S.: "Corporate Education for a Sustainable Future - Vocational Competencies in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)"; Annual Conference of the DGfE Section Adult Education 2023 (Adult Education and Sustainability); Munich (Germany); 11-09-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Education for Sustainable Development in Companies"; Annual Conference 2023 of the Vocational and Business Education Section of the German Society for Educational Science (Freedom - Vocational Education - Responsibility) (Young Researcher); Flensburg (Germany); 06-09-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Perceptions of Discrimination by Migrants in Transition to VET - Differences by Origin Group and Gender"; The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER); Glasgow (UK); 25-08-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Global Learning in the Workplace - Companies' Response to Globalization"; EERA Emerging Researchers' Conference (ERC); Glasgow (UK); 22-08-2023.

Annen, S., Hufnagl, J., Murdoch, J., & Joseph, O.: "Returns to Education focusing on ICT skills - Empirical Results beyond pay Inequality"; 15th International Conference & 75th Anniversary of the JVET Journal; Oxford (UK); 15-07-2023.

Hufnagl, J., & Larsen, Y.: "Transformative Skills for Sustainability - Interdisciplinary Professionalization for a Sustainable Economy", Conference Interdisciplinary Teaching for Sustainable Development; Nuremberg (Germany); 15-06-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Gender Dynamics and Discrimination among Migrant Youth in the Vocational Training Market", Student Night of Gender Sensitive Research; Bamberg (Germany); 22-05-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Perceptions of Discrimination in the Transition to Vocational Education and Training from an Intersectional Perspective - An Exploration of the Limits of Quantitative Research," BIBB Colloquium; Bonn (Germany); 17-05-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Demands on Vocational Education Personnel as "Global Citizens" - Global Citizenship Education from a Business Education Perspective", 10th GEBF Conference (Young Scientists Conference) (Education between Uncertainty and Evidence); Essen (Germany); 27-02-2023.

Annen, S., St Denis, X., & Hufnagl, J.: "Family background and exits from overqualification in the UK and Germany", 7th International NEPS Conference; online; 06-12-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Perceived discrimination in transition to VET - an intersectional approach", 7th International NEPS Conference; online; 05-12-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Origin-specific differences in discrimination perceptions of migrant youth in access to VET", World Education Leadership Symposium (WELS) (School and Leadership between Revolution, Tradition and Exhaustion); online; 29-09-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Origin-specific Differences in Discrimination Perceptions of Adolescents with Migration Backgrounds in Access to Vocational Training", ?FEB Pre-Conference (Educational Research in and for Times of Change); Graz (Austria); 20-09-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Origin-specific differences in the perception of discrimination of young people with a migration background in access to vocational training", Junior Researcher and Networking Day "Teacher education research" of the Universities of Augsburg, Bamberg and Regensburg (Professionalism in dealing with digitalisation and heterogeneity); Bamberg (Germany); 15-07-2022.




Winter Semester 2024/2025

Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (seminar, course A)

Summer Semester 2024

Professionalisation of Vocational Education Personnel (seminar, courses A and B)
Research Methods in Business Education (practice, courses A and B)

Winter Semester 2023/2024

Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (seminar, courses A und B)

Research Questions in Business Education (seminar)

Summer Semester 2023

Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (Courses A and B)
Research Methods in Business Education (Courses A and B)

Winter Semester 2022/2023

Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (Courses A and B)

Summer Semester 2022

Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (Courses A and B)
Management of Educational Processes (Course C)



2024 – today
Research Associate in the NIBTEX project at the Chair of Adult Education and Continuing Education (Prof. Dr Erik Haberzeth) at the Institute of Education at Chemnitz University of Technology, GER

since 2022
Doctoral Research Fellow at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER

2021 - 2022
Student Research Assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi), Bamberg, GER

2021 - 2022
Student Assistant at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Nicole Kimmelmann) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, GER

2021 - 2021
Student Assistant at the Chair of Sociology, especially Social Structural Analysis (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Kristen) at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, GER

2017 - 2020
Student Assistant at the Chair of Production and Logistics (Prof. Dr. Matthias Klumpp) and at the Chairs of Statistics and Econometrics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib) at the Georg-August University of G?ttingen, GER

2019 - 2019
Intern at the Chair of German Language and Culture (Prof. Dr. P.L.M. Paul Sars) at Radboud University Nijmegen, NL

2015 - 2015
Member of the Student Life Team at Skagit Valley College, Mt. Vernon, WA, USA

2014 - 2014
Service employee at Sparkasse Aichach-Schrobenhausen, GER

2011 - 2014
Vocational Training as a Bank Clerk at Sparkasse Aichach-Schrobenhausen, GER



since 2020
Member of the Board of PPP Alumni e.V.

since 2020
Teamer for intercultural trainings (Cultural Vistas / GIZ)

Member of the Organizing Team of the Transatlantic Alumni Conference 2023

Member of the Organizing Team of the Wissenschaftstage 2023 of the "Studienf?rderwerk Klaus Murmann" of the Foundation of German Business

Student Representation in the Accreditation Process of the Master's Program in Business Education, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (2022)

2020 - 2022
Member of the Quality Circle of the Master's Degree Program in Business Education, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

2019 - 2020
Teaching Support at a Vocational School in the "Sprachf?rderprojekt für Geflüchtete" at the Professorship of Business Education, Georg-August University G?ttingen

Participation in the INTERREG Project "Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur" at the Chair of German Language and Culture, in particular German Studies, Radboud University of Nijmegen (Netherlands)



seit 2024
Vertreterin der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik im Arbeitskreis ?Nicht-Nachhaltigkeit und planetare Zukünfte“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) 

seit 2024
Stellvertretende Beauftragte der SoWi-Fakult?t für die Gleichstellung von Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst 

Reviewer at Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023

Reviewer at 27. JURE 2023 Pre-Conference

Deputy Managing Director of the Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023

Technical Support at the 9th GEBF Conference 2022


Review Activities







? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences

Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences