Agata Maria Kraj
E-Mail: agata.kraj(at)uni-bamberg.de
Pillar 4: Governance, Institutional Change and Political Behaviour
Field: Political Science/ Political Psychology
Research Interests:Political representation, (in)equality, women’s representation, political parties, candidate selection, gender, stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination
Constructing Gendered Representative Relations Through Claim Making Performances: Institutional and Interpersonal Perspectives from Germany and Poland
The dissertation explores the process of establishing and cultivating representative relationships by political representatives in Germany and Poland through the prism of the claim making perspective developed by Michael Saward (2006, 2010, 2017). The work blends recent theoretical advances in the study of representation with traditional perspectives on political agenda setting and contagion theory, as well as with sociological and social psychological approaches to framing and impression management. Consequently, the dissertation develops a novel theoretical and methodological framework capable of taking into account the contextual factors that determine the structure of claim making performances. Firstly, it investigates the constraining nature of a masculinized institutional culture and party competition landscape in determining the structure of gendered claims to representation offered by German and Polish political parties in their manifestos. Secondly, based on interviews conducted with political representatives in both countries, the dissertation scrutinizes the ways in which these contextual factors affect the image-building capacity of individual claim makers in shaping their performances. Lastly, it experimentally scrutinizes the impact of different frame alignment techniques to assess the mobilizing capacity of representative performances aimed at activating potential adherents’ gendered political ambition.
2008 - 2010
Master in Global Visual Communication (M.A.) at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
2005 - 2008
Bachelor in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology (B.A.) at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Awards / Academic Achievements and Scholarships
ECPR Political Psychology Standing Group Travel Grant for 2018 ISPP Summer Academy in San Antonio, TX
ISPP Travel Grant for Early Career Scholars to attend the 2018 ISPP Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, USA
DAAD PROMOS mobility stipend for a research trip to the Stanford Political Psychology Summer Institute (SIPP) at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
2008 – 2010
Full merit-based scholarship for graduate studies at Jacobs University Bremen
2008 – 2009
Merit-based scholarship from Pomorskie Voivodeship, Gdańsk, Poland
2005 – 2008
Partial merit-based scholarship for undergraduate studies at Jacobs University Bremen
Further Academic Training
12-23 September 2016
26th ECPR Summer School in Political Parties, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.
1-19th August 2016 Stanford Summer Institute in Political Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
26th February – 4th March 2016
ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany
Third party funds
2015 – 2018
Three-year scholarship for doctoral studies from the German Science Foundation (DFG)
BaGrACS Workshop “Theories in Psychology.” Workshop aimed at helping young researchers develop skills in theory formulation and testing. University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany. June 2019.
Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP). Presentation on “Aligning with Women: The Effects of Political Parties’ Framing Strategies on Women’s Willingness to Become Politically Active in Poland and Germany”. San Antonio, TX, USA. July 2018. 3
American Political Science Association (APSA). Presentation on “Liberal Transformations, Conservative Amplifications: Implicit Gender Bias and Party Membership in Germany and Poland”. San Francisco, CA, USA. September 2017.
Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP). Presentation on “Party-Level Frames: Implicit Gender Bias German and Polish Political Programs”. Edinburgh, UK. July 2017.
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA). Presentation on “Liberal Transformations, Conservative Amplifications: Implicit Gender Bias and Party Membership in Germany and Poland”. Chicago, IL, USA. April 2017.
ECPR General Conference, Charles University in Prague. Presentation on “Party-level Frames: A Gendered Framing Analysis of German and Polish Party Manifestos”. Prague, Czech Republic. September 2016.
Workshop “Leaders. Candidates. Activists. The Dynamics of Party Organization”, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Bamberg. Presentation on “Party-Level Frames of Women’s Issues: A Gendered Content Analysis of German, British, and Polish Party Manifestos”. Bamberg, Germany. April 2016.
1st International Conference in Scandalogy, University of Bamberg. Presentation of a research project titled “Primary Scandals: A Comparison of News Media’s Multimodal and Gendered Treatment of U.S. Presidential Candidate Frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump” (with Dr. Ognyan Seizov, University of Bremen). Bamberg/Germany. 7-8 April 2016.
“Analysis of Political Institutions” Workshop with Prof. Dr. George Tsebelis, BAGSS/University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany. 4th April 2016.
Conference and Workshop Organization
Young Scholars’ Workshop on Immigration Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, February 2020.
Job and Research Applications in the United States, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany, December 2018.
Explaining Political Behavior and Identity: Macro- and Micro-Level Perspectives, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany, June 2018.
Annual BAGSS Conference, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany, July 2016.
Invited Talks and Conference Moderation
University of Bamberg, 2nd International Conference in Scandalogy. Moderation of a panel “Political Culture”. March 29, 2018.
University of Bristol Postgraduate Training Day Workshop: Presentation titled “Female Politicians’ Impression Management Strategies in the Political Arena", May 18, 2016.
Professional Experience
Assistant Manager, lululemon athletica DE, Hamburg, Germany
2011 – 2012
Freelance Market Researcher, Jim Beam Brands, Berlin, Germany
2010 – 2014
Admissions Officer, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), Bremen, Germany
Academic Experience
2008 – 2010
Teaching Assistant to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kühnen, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
2006 – 2007
Social Cognition Lab of Prof. Dr. Jens F?rster, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Cognitive Neuroscience Lab of Prof. Dr. Canan Basar-Eroglu, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Polish Navy Psychological Research, Gdańsk, Poland
Non-academic experience
2015 – to date
Yoga teacher
2009 – 2014
Resident Associate, Krupp College, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
2009 – 2014
Peer Counselor, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
2007 – 2010
Diversity and Transition Management Coach, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Find articles and events on the website of the Graduate School which are connected to Agata's work and contributions:

Explaining Political Behaviour and Identity: Macro- and Micro-Level Perspectives

? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
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