Submit your application

To submit your application, please complete the form on this page. Before starting to fill in the form, please make sure to have prepared your application pdf document. It should be organised in one pdf (Surname_Application.pdf, size: max 30 MB), which contains the required documents in the specified order.

  • A list of the required application documents for the DAAD Scholarships can be found here.
  • A signed Privacy Policy Agreement is part of the single pdf document and can be found here(318.0 KB, 8 pages).

Please note: We can only accept complete applications which fulfil the formal requirements.

We recommend that you submit your application ahead of deadlines to avoid technical difficulties.

Online Application Form (DAAD GSSP Scholarschip)

Application Information

Please do not use any 'umlauts' or special characters (?, ?, é, ?, à, etc.) in the online application form.

Attention: Please name two possible recommenders who are willing to give feedback to BAGSS regarding your academic performance. You do need to ask for the agreement of these recommenders, before you enter their details here.
Attention: To be considered for a DAAD GSSP Scholarship, two letters of recommendation should be sent to us via email to admissions.bagss(at) Recommenders, please use the form provided by the DAAD, which can be found here ( (Please do not include the letters of recommendation in your application file. The letters have to be sent directly by your recommenders before they are handed to you.)