Application Completion Scholarships

General Information

Who is eligible for a Completion Scholarship?

BAGSS welcomes applications from current doctoral researchers at BAGSS under the following conditions:

  • As a general rule, candidates must have been doctoral members of BAGSS for at least one year at the time of application. They should be towards the end of a fixed-term academic position in an externally funded research project or a fixed-term teaching position at the University of Bamberg. Holders of doctoral scholarships (external or BAGSS Starter Scholarships) that are about to expire are also eligible.
  • At the time of the application, candidates should not have worked on their doctoral projects for more than five years.

BAGSS is committed to the goal of diversity and equal opportunities as well as the compatibility of family and career within its statutory obligations. We emphatically encourage applications from all backgrounds. Learn more about our Code of Conduct.

What projects are we looking for?

By the time of the application, the doctoral project must have advanced to a stage where completion within twelve months is realistic.


Selection criteria

Criteria applied in the selection procedure for the Completion Scholarships are as follows:

  • A complete, formally correct application has been submitted by the advertised deadline and in the required fashion.
  • The doctoral project can realistically be completed within a funding period of twelve months.
  • Applicants are already doctoral members of BAGSS (generally, for at least one year) and have not been working on their doctoral project for more than five years.
  • The complete application has been approved by the Executive Committee of the Graduate School.








? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences