Complaints Unit and Complaint Procedure according to § 13 AGG

Whereas the main focus of the University’s Anti-Discrimination Office is on counselling and providing information, the university is obliged to establish a complaints unit, which receives and reviews formal complaints (according to § 13 AGG, Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz).

All persons affected by discrimination have the right to file a formal complaint which is to be carefully examined. It is strongly recommended to seek counselling before lodging a formal complaint, as the counselling services of the university can present possible approaches to clarifying the issue and can further assess whether lodging a formal complaint would be effective. Here you can find more information about counselling services at the University of Bamberg. Contact with the complaints unit is a subsequent step, and the unit is responsible for examining the complaint.

The university’s complaint procedure includes:

  • Determination of the facts,
  • Legal examination of the facts,
  • Written notification of examination findings,
  • Establishment of measures to eliminate existing discrimination and prevent future discrimination.

Complaints Units of the University of Bamberg:

In the Department of Human Resources:

  • Head of Human Resources (Section III)
  • Head of Section III/1
  • Head of Section III/2
  • Head of Section III/3

In the Studying and Teaching Department:

  • Head of Studying and Teaching Department (Section II)
  • Head of Academic Registrar’s Office (Section II/1)

Feel free to contact the Anti-discrimination Office in case of further questions or for counselling.