For detailed information on the courses offered in American Literature and Culture (course descriptions, readings, requirements) please check Univis.
On this page you find:
- important information on how to register for final exams (Prüfungsanmeldung)
- important information for B.A. students who want to have credits transferred from other majors/minors or from other German universities (Anerkennungen von Studienleistungen im Studium Generale sowie Studiengangs- bzw. Universit?tswechsel(35.2 KB, 3 pages)),
- information about the "Erg?nzungsmodul" and the necessary forms
- information about the Consolidation Module and the necessary forms
- the Style Sheet and the guidelines for writing term papers in American Literature and Culture,
- the reading list for final exams in American Literature,
- a list of thesis supervisors,
- a list of useful links for your studies and research.