Recommended AISE Talks and Activities in Winter 2022/23

Wed 25.1., 14:30 (s.t.) to 15:25, Room WE5/04.004

Prof. Dr. Alexander Steen (Uni Greifswald)

A standard translation for higher-order modal logics

Abstract: Standard translations are a common tool for encoding modal logic formulas into classical logic in a truth-preserving way. Common standard translations include the mapping of propositional modal logic into unsorted first-order logic, and the mapping of first-order modal logic into many-sorted first-order logic. In contrast, encodings into higher-order logic (HOL) offer more flexibility and expressivity. In my talk, I will present ongoing work for a novel translation of higher-order (multi-)modal logics into HOL that supports both rigid and flexible constant/function symbols, different quantification semantics, local and global hypotheses. This work extends and partly simplifies previous work on semantic embeddings. A preliminary evaluation is presented.

Wed 25.1., 15:30 (s.t.) to 16:30, Room WE5/04.004

Dr. Serge Autexier (Director of the Bremen Ambient Assisted Living Lab, DFKI Bremen)

Security and Privacy by Design in the development of multi-center-based machine learning for personalized health and care: some best practices and practical challenges 

Abstract: Security and privacy are of utmost importance for systems processing personal health data. The talk presents the impact of security and privacy requirements on the research and development of a platform to train machine learning models on real patient data from multiple sources in a multi-centre setting. It discusses how they affect the design of the system architecture, the choice of methods as well as the whole the whole research and development process itself. The presentation is based on experiences from two European research projects concerned with developing machine learning based personalized risk predictions for cancer patients and COPD patients and sheds a light on the peculiarities of the used data, the target variables to predict and the mechanisms based on predictive models to support medical personnel.


Wednesday, December 25 (17:00-19:00): Guest presentation in the AISE Master-/Oberseminar by 

Matteo Acclavio (Università Roma Tre): A Graphical Proof Theory for "happens-before"

Abstract: The "happens-before" is an order relation over events playing a crucial role in formal verification. 
Logics modelling this relation by means of a non-commutative connective have been introduced in the literature. 
However, their expressiveness is limited to series-parallel orders. In this talk, after recalling the proof theoretical results for these logics and their connections to process calculi, I will present proof systems operating on graphs instead of formulas. This innovative framework allows us to overcome the restrictions of in-line formulas and to handle non-series parallel orders.

Wednesday, October 26 (17:00-19:00): Guest presentation in the AISE Master-/Oberseminar by 

Lavanya Singh (Palantir, Harvard University): Automated Kantian Ethics: A Faithful Implementation

Lavanya has a background in philosophy and computer science and she has successfully employed the LogiKEy technology (as developed in the AISE group of U Bamberg and the ICR team at U Luxembourg) in her thesis work. At the German national KI'2022 conference she received the best paper award for her contribution with the above title. 

Participation is possible in presence in room WE5/03.004 and online at (Meeting ID: 662 9197 0381, Passcode: AISE-OS-22)