Participation at the MICCAI 2023 conference, Oct. 08-12, 2023

Poster presentation and interesting talks

The 26th International Conference MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention) took place this year in Vancouver, Canada. MICCAI is one of the most respected conferences for AI in Medicine and thus attracts the world’s leading biomedical scientists, engineers, and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines associated with medical imaging.

There Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig and doctoral student Sebastian D?rrich took part and presented the topic “unORANIC: Unsupervised orthogonalization of anatomy and image-characteristic features” in the poster session. In addition to interesting lectures, there was also space for networking and getting to know the city of Vancouver, which offered a nice setting for the conference.


Poster presentation of Sebastian D?rrich at MICCAI 2023 1/3

Poster presentation of Sebastian D?rrich at MICCAI 2023 2/3

Poster presentation of Sebastian D?rrich at MICCAI 2023 3/3

Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig and Sebastian D?rrich at MICCAI 2023

lecture attendance at MICCAI 2023


