(with Prof. Dr. M.A. Denzel) Historical Metrology and the Challenges of Digital Research in Economic History,Session of the CIMH at the XXIIIth International Congress of the Historical Sciences, Poznań, Poland, 25 August 2022.

(with Dr. J. Land) Digital methods for the advancement of maritime history, Session at Baltic Connections Conference, Jyv?skyl?, Finland, 17 June 2022.


(with Prof. Dr. M.A. Denzel and Dr. W. Roberds) S10059 : Central banks and their role in financial and economic crises. Session at the XVIIth World Economic History Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 6 August 2015.

(with Prof. Dr. M.A. Denzel and Prof. T. Tamaki) S20053 : The contribution of rural coastal areas to international trade networks in the early modern period. Session at the XVIIth World Economic History Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 6 August 2015.


(with Prof. Dr. G. Daudin, Dr. L. Charles and Dr. P. Roessner) ECO06: Commodity Chains in the First Period of Globalization. Session at the IXth European Social Science History Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 11 – 14 April 2012.


(with Prof. Dr. Kurt Dopfer) Why is economic history not an evolutionary science? Session at the XVth World Economic History Congress, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4 August 2009.