Dr. Chen-Hao Hsu
Research and Teaching Assistant
Room F21/01.14c
Tel.: (+49) 0951/863-2642
Academic Positions
Chen-Hao Hsu holds a doctoral degree in Sociology from the University of Bamberg (Dr. rer. pol. 2024). He also studied International Business (B.A. 2014) and Sociology (M.A. 2016) at the National Taiwan University. From 2017 to 2019, he worked as a research assistant at the Academia Sinica (Taiwan). From 2019 to 2023, he was the sholarship holder of the DAAD Graduate Study Scholarship Program for his docotral study at the University of Bamberg (dissertation title: "Employment Instability, Family Formation, and Motherhood Penalties: Comparative and Life Course Perspectives", committee: Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel, Prof. Dr. Henriette Engelhardt-W?lfler, and Prof. Dr. Stefani Scherer). From 2021 to 2023, he worked as a research associate at the ERC-funded SECCOPA project ("The Socio-Economic Consequences of Temporary Employment: A Comparative Panel Data Analysis"). Since October 2023, he works for the DFG-funded project "Women’s Agency and Fertility in Egypt" at the Professorship of Demography at the University of Bamberg. Besides research activities, he also offers graduate-level courses including applied panel data analysis and multilevel analysis at the Chair of Methods of Social Empirical Research at the University of Bamberg.
Research Interests
- Family demography, especially the economic causes and consequences of family formation
- Labor market research, especially the impact of precarious employment and unemployment
- Couple relationship and wellbeing
- Comparative studies, especially in East Asia and Europe
- Panel data analysis and quantitative causal inference
Hsu, C.-H., & Engelhardt, H. (2024). On the Relationship between Telework and Health in Germany: Causal or Selection Effects? Forthcoming in Socius, 10, 23780231241245227. doi.org/10.1177/23780231241245227.
Hsu, C.-H., & Engelhardt, H. (2024). A Precarious Path to Partnership? The Moderating Effects of Labour Market Regulations on the Relationship Between Unstable Employment and Union Formation in Europe. European Journal of Population, 40 (12). doi.org/10.1007/s10680-024-09698-3.
Hsu, C.-H. (2023). How women’s employment instability affects birth transitions: The moderating role of family policies in 27 European countries. European Sociological Review, jcad037. doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcad037.
Hsu, C.-H. (2022). Work and fertility in Taiwan: How women’s and men’s career sequences associate with fertility outcomes? Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. doi.org/10.1332/175795921X16379265590317.
Hsu, C.-H. (2021). Parity-specific motherhood penalties: Long-term impacts of childbirth on women’s earnings in Japan. Advances in Life Course Research, 50: 100435. doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100435.
Hsu, C.-H., Posegga, O., Fischbach, K., & Engelhardt, H. (2021). Examining the trade-offs between human fertility and longevity over three centuries using crowdsourced genealogy data. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255528. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255528.
Cheng, Y.‐h.A. & Hsu, C.‐H. (2020). No More Babies without Help for Whom? Education, Division of Labor, and Fertility Intentions. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82: 1270-1285. doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12672.
Conferences and invited presentations
[June, 2022] Paper presentation on "When Does Employment Instability Affect Women’s Childbirth? The Moderating Role of Family Policies in 26 European Countries" at the 2022 European Population Conference (EPC 2022) in Groningen, the Netherlands.
[March, 2022] Paper presentation on "When does employment instability delay women’s childbirth? The moderating role of family policies in 27 European countries" at the 2022 ISA RC28 Spring Meeting in London, the UK.
[February, 2022] Paper presentation on "When does employment insecurity affect women’s childbirth? The moderating role of family policies in 24 European countries" at the 2022 Annual Conference of the German Society for Demography (DGD 2022), online conference.
[September, 2021] Paper presentation on "Work and fertility in Taiwan: How women’s and men’s career sequences associate with fertility outcomes?" at the 2021 SLLS Conference (Online conference).
[September, 2021] Paper presentation on "Comparing the motherhood wage penalty in Germany and Japan: Parity-specific effects and their long-term dynamics" at the YOUNG IN network WG 1 Meeting: Gendered lives and careers: Interrelations of work and family, Madrid, Spain. (Hybrid conference).
[June, 2021] Paper presentation on "Work and fertility in Taiwan: How women’s and men’s career sequences associate with fertility outcomes?" at the 4th Joint Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference 2021, University of Tilburg, Tilburg, the Netherland. (Online conference).
[June, 2021] Paper presentation on "Comparing the motherhood wage penalty in Germany and Japan: Parity-specific effects and their long-term dynamics" at the 2021 ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. (Online conference).
[July, 2020] Invited talk on "Human fertility and longevity: Evidence from crowdsourcing genealogical data" in the course Social Demography hosted by Prof. Dr. Henriette Engelhardt-W?lfler, University of Bamberg, Germany. (With H. Engelhardt-W?lfler and O. Posegga).
[April, 2019] Poster presentation on “Changing labor force and economic growth in post-industrial Taiwan: The importance of incorporating a gender perspective” at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America , Austin, USA. (Full text available here).
[April, 2019] Poster presentation on “No more babies without help? Spousal division of labor and fertility intentions in Taiwan ”at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America , Austin, USA. (With Y.-h. A. Cheng).
[February, 2016] Presentation on “Diversified manpower management Strategies among Taiwanese corporations in the New Labor Pension System” at the 2016 East Asian Conference for Young Sociologists (EACYS) , Tokyo, Japan.
[Summer term 23] Lecturer of the course Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der Mehrebenenanalyse und des internationalen Vergleichs: Multilevel analysis using comparative micro data (held in English)
[Winter term 22/23] Lecturer of the course Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der L?ngsschnittanalyse: Applied Panel Data Analysis (held in English)
[Summer term 22] Lecturer of the course Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der Mehrebenenanalyse und des internationalen Vergleichs: Multilevel analysis using comparative micro data (held in English)
[Winter term 21/22] Lecturer of the course Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der L?ngsschnittanalyse: Applied Panel Data Analysis (held in English)
[Summer term 21] Lecturer of the course Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der Mehrebenenanalyse und des internationalen Vergleichs: Multilevel analysis using comparative micro data (held in English)
[Winter term 20/21] Lecturer of the course Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der L?ngsschnittanalyse: Applied Panel Data Analysis (held in English)
[Feb, 2020] Teaching assistant of the course "Panel Data Analysis" at the 9th ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques, Bamberg, Germany.
[Winter term 15/16] Teaching assistant of the course "Organizational Theory" at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.