Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2021
(I) Statistik
1) Python for social and experimental psychology II
, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits max.: 3
Zeit: Mi 8:00 - 10:00, M3N/-1.19
Keine Raumreservierung für die Prüfung
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Python for social and experimental psychology course or solid background in Python basics: variables, control structures (for and while loops, if conditional statements), lists/dictionaries, PsychoPy basics.
The second part of the "Python for social and experimental psychology" course that covers advanced topics such as object-oriented programming the pythonic way, working with exceptions, use of iterators/generators for concise code, coroutines, use of scientific libraries (numpy, pandas), online programming via OTree system, etc. We we still be writing games (because psychological experiments are merely boring games).
Englischsprachige Informationen:
Python for social and experimental psychology II
Credits: 3
Institution:Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine 球探足球比分 und Methodenlehre
2) Statistical Rethinking II
2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits max.: 3
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Statistical Rethinking I
This is a second-semester of the year-long course on Statistical Rethinking.
This is a book-club style seminar dedicated to reading and understanding " Statistical Rethinking book (online version with full text can be found here https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/statistical-rethinking/9781482253481/). This is an excellent introductory statistics book that builds your understanding of statistics from ground up, explains the principles slowly and clearly and has plenty of examples. Which is why, no prior knowledge of statistics is required. In fact, we will start completely from scratch, rethinking the concepts of probability and inferences, learning how to build models by hand, making sure we understands them at every step.
As noted, this a book-club style seminar. Prior to each meeting everyone must read a chapter and do the exercises. We meet to discuss the chapter and to help each other understand the tricky bits.
Empfohlene Literatur
"Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan" by Richard McElreath: https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/statistical-rethinking/9781482253481/
Englischsprachige Informationen:
Statistical Rethinking II
Credits: 3
Zus?tzliche Informationen
Schlagw?rter: statistics, bayesian statistics
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 12
Institution:Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine 球探足球比分 und Methodenlehre
(II) Methoden
1) WORKSHOP (organisiert durch Lukas R?seler, PhD Student der BaGrACS)
Online Workshop zu POWER ANALYSIS (9.7.2021): N?here Informationen über den BaGrACS-VC (Virtueller Campus)
--organisiert von Lukas R?seler und dem Lehrstuhl für Pers?nlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik
2) Python for social and experimental psychology II
, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits max.: 3
Zeit: Mi 8:00 - 10:00, M3N/-1.19
Keine Raumreservierung für die Prüfung
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Python for social and experimental psychology course or solid background in Python basics: variables, control structures (for and while loops, if conditional statements), lists/dictionaries, PsychoPy basics.
The second part of the "Python for social and experimental psychology" course that covers advanced topics such as object-oriented programming the pythonic way, working with exceptions, use of iterators/generators for concise code, coroutines, use of scientific libraries (numpy, pandas), online programming via OTree system, etc. We we still be writing games (because psychological experiments are merely boring games).
Englischsprachige Informationen:
Python for social and experimental psychology II
Credits: 3
Institution:Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine 球探足球比分 und Methodenlehre
(III) Debates & Literature