Neue Publikation in der Fachzeitschrift "Personality and Individual Differences"

Haben die Pers?nlichkeitseigenschaften Machiavellismus, Psychopathie und Narzissmus einen gemeinsamen "dunklen Kern"? Und welche Bedeutung hat dieser dunkle Kern für Merkmale wie Selbstwert oder Lebenszufriedenheit? Unsere Ergebnisse legen die Existenz eines dunklen Kerns nahe und offenbaren die damit einhergehende Unzufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Leben.

Volmer, J., Koch, I. K. & Wolff, C. (2019). Illuminating the ’dark core’:  Mapping global vs. specific sources of variance across multiple measures of the dark triad. Personality and Individual Differences145, 97-102.

It remains unresolved whether a dark core “D” underlies the dark triad that exceeds the unique meaning of its individual sub-dimensions (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism). Based on life history theory, we argue in favor of the existence of “D”. According to life history theory, individuals high in “D” pursue a fast life history strategy which tends to provide them with short-term reproductive benefits. In a German sample (N = 395), we use a multitrait-multimethod approach integrating standard measures of the dark triad (Mach IV, SRP-III, NPI) with the Short Dark Triad scale and the Dirty Dozen. We compare a three-dimensional measurement model to a bifactor model and find that accounting for “D” significantly improves model fit. Moreover, we extend the dark triad’s nomological network onto core self-evaluations and also include self-esteem and life satisfaction. Results show that “D” relates negatively to life satisfaction and core self-evaluations (even after accounting for the dark triad’s sub- dimensions) but not to self-esteem. Our findings are consistent with life history theory, considering that distal outcomes such as life satisfaction suffer most from fast life history strategies. We conclude that the dark triad has a dark core.

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